This SDK is a collection of Java classes that help you produce and consume Open mHealth compliant data in your Java, Groovy, and Scala applications. It contains a Java class for each schema, along with all necessary builders, enums, serialization annotations, and unit tests.
The SDK requires Java 8, since it makes heavy use of JSR-310 date and time constructs. It also depends on Guava for utility methods and Jackson for serialization.
The SDK has been deployed to JCenter and Maven Central as a Maven dependency, along with corresponding source and Javadoc artifacts.
If you use Gradle, add the following dependency to your build script to use it
compile 'org.openmhealth.schema:omh-schema-sdk:1.0.6'
If you use Maven, add the following dependency to your POM file to use it
If you'd like to build the JAR file yourself, run the following command from the root of this repository.
$ ./gradlew java-schema-sdk:build
The resulting JAR files will available in java-schema-sdk/build/libs