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z/OS Operator Basics

This playbook demonstrates how to execute z/OS operator commands, retrieve command output and retrieve outstanding messages requiring operator action using modules included in the Red Hat Ansible Certified Content for IBM Z core collection.

The following core modules are used to accomplish these set of tasks:

This playbook uses:

  • collection:
    • ibm.ibm_zos_core
  • modules:
    • zos_operator_action_query
    • zos_operator

It is a good practice to review the playbook contents before executing them. It will help you understand the requirements in terms of space, location, names, authority, and the artifacts that will be created and cleaned up.

Playbook Requirements

This playbook requires:

Getting Started

If you are unfamiliar with playbooks, you can review our detailed configuration guide or continue with getting started below.


Run the playbook

This project has included a site.yml playbook that serves as the primary playbook that provides additional prerequisite checks then it invokes the zos_operator_basics.yml playbook.

If you want to run the primary playbook site.yml it will check that your environment has the correct version of Ansible as well as the collection needed to execute correctly. To run the primary playbook, use command:

ansible-playbook -i inventories site.yml

You can skip the prerequisite check and run the zos_operator_basics.yml with command:

ansible-playbook -i inventories zos_operator_basics.yml


All changes are maintained chronologically by date found in the changelog.


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