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Austin edited this page Dec 13, 2017 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the atom-python-run wiki!

  • This package tells atom to make a system call which then executes your program for you.

  • This package is written in python and javascript.

  • pythons forward and backward compatibility should always be kept in mind.

  • javascripts ES6 was kept in mind during development.

  • Always try to keep clean code in mind during development.


00 Readme


01 Overview

02 Getting Started

03 Resources

How does the cp module work?

04 What is cp?

05 How does cp work?

06 How do I use cp?

How does the terminal module work?

07 What is terminal?

08 How does terminal work?

09 How do I use terminal?

How does the atom-python-run module work?

10 What is atom-python-run?

11 How does atom-python-run work?

12 How do I use atom-python-run?