Scripts for variant calling from resequencing data on peach accessions (Prunus persica)
- make sample sheet for IGA samples: R script
- make sample sheet for BGI samples: Python script
(to be completed: include the case of multiple files within subfolders --> more than two files per samples, multiple R1/R2 fastq files)
Bash scripts to use bcftools
and vcftools
to subset the vcf file from variant calling and to produce summary statistics
- sometimes Freebayes adds the whole haplotype around a SNP --> need to remove the non-polymorphic sites and leave only yhe SNP
- take only biallelic SNPs (remove MNPs/Indels, triallelic sites)
- stats: frequency, missing rate
- quality filter: how?
- merge?
- approaches with BGLR from (paper:
- thin: parameter that tells BGLR every how many iterations results are to be saved to external files
- other ...
- other approaches ...