- warn on tool name collisions
- hide some props from pane
- color picker
- viewport zoom
- warn when neither ToolBox nor Tool has a component (and there are no slots)
- ToolBox template?
- issue with updating slot props :
<Tool name="Components/Dialogue" props={{ title: 'This is a title', open: true, noClose: false }} events={['close', 'open']} let:props let:handleEvent > <Dialogue {...props} on:close={handleEvent} on:open={handleEvent}> <div slot="content"> Here is an important message, that you absolutely need to be aware of. </div> <span slot="buttons"> <Button on:click={() => (props.open = false)} text={'Close'} icon={'close'} /> </span> </Dialogue> </Tool>
- test with vite createServer instead of starting one of our own
- plugin's uiSettings
- examples
- ADR:
- UI agnostic framework
- options from plugin to UI
- register and remove tools (upon renamal)
- degit recipe
- Deep dive how-to write UI bindings
- Deep dive how-to write toolboxes
- How to develop plugins
- Release:
- merge the version PR on Github
- pull main:
git switch main && git pull
- get NPM totp
- trigger publish:
pnpm release -otp 000000