This command replaces upper case characters by lower case characters.
goalign tolower [flags]
-h, --help help for tolower
-o, --output string Output lower case alignment file (default "stdout")
--unaligned Considers sequences as unaligned and format fasta (phylip, nexus,... options are ignored)
Global Flags:
-i, --align string Alignment input file (default "stdin")
--alphabet string Alignment/Sequences alphabet: auto (default), aa, or nt (default "auto")
--auto-detect Auto detects input format (overrides -p, -x and -u)
-u, --clustal Alignment is in clustal? default fasta
--ignore-identical int Ignore duplicated sequences that have the same name and potentially have same sequences, 0 : Does not ignore anything, 1: Ignore sequences having the same name (keep the first one whatever their sequence), 2: Ignore sequences having the same name and the same sequence
--input-strict Strict phylip input format (only used with -p)
-x, --nexus Alignment is in nexus? default fasta
--no-block Write Phylip sequences without space separated blocks (only used with -p)
--one-line Write Phylip sequences on 1 line (only used with -p)
--output-strict Strict phylip output format (only used with -p)
-p, --phylip Alignment is in phylip? default fasta
goalign random --seed 10 -l 10 -n 5 | goalign tolower
It should give the following alignment: