diff --git a/src/adapter-browserify.coffee b/src/adapter-browserify.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbeb00f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/adapter-browserify.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+# jQuery Opentip Adapter
+# ======================
+# Uses jQuery
+# Because $ is my favorite character
+module.exports = ((Opentip, $) ->
+ # Augment jQuery
+ $.fn.opentip = (content, title, options) ->
+ new Opentip this, content, title, options
+ # And now the class
+ class Adapter
+ name: "browserify"
+ # Simply using $.domReady
+ domReady: (callback) -> $ callback
+ # DOM
+ # ===
+ # Using bonzo to create html
+ create: (html) -> $ html
+ # Element handling
+ # ----------------
+ # Wraps the element in ender
+ wrap: (element) ->
+ element = $ element
+ throw new Error "Multiple elements provided." if element.length > 1
+ element
+ # Returns the unwrapped element
+ unwrap: (element) -> $(element)[0]
+ # Returns the tag name of the element
+ tagName: (element) -> @unwrap(element).tagName
+ # Returns or sets the given attribute of element
+ #
+ # It's important not to simply forward name and value because the value
+ # is set whether or not the value argument is present
+ attr: (element, args...) -> $(element).attr args...
+ # Returns or sets the given data of element
+ # It's important not to simply forward name and value because the value
+ # is set whether or not the value argument is present
+ data: (element, args...) -> $(element).data args...
+ # Finds elements by selector
+ find: (element, selector) -> $(element).find(selector).get(0)
+ # Finds all elements by selector
+ findAll: (element, selector) -> $(element).find selector
+ # Updates the content of the element
+ update: (element, content, escape) ->
+ element = $ element
+ if escape
+ element.text content
+ else
+ element.html content
+ # Appends given child to element
+ append: (element, child) -> $(element).append child
+ # Removes element
+ remove: (element) -> $(element).remove()
+ # Add a class
+ addClass: (element, className) -> $(element).addClass className
+ # Remove a class
+ removeClass: (element, className) -> $(element).removeClass className
+ # Set given css properties
+ css: (element, properties) -> $(element).css properties
+ # Returns an object with given dimensions
+ dimensions: (element) ->
+ {
+ width: $(element).outerWidth()
+ height: $(element).outerHeight()
+ }
+ # Returns the scroll offsets of current document
+ scrollOffset: ->
+ [
+ window.pageXOffset or document.documentElement.scrollLeft or document.body.scrollLeft
+ window.pageYOffset or document.documentElement.scrollTop or document.body.scrollTop
+ ]
+ # Returns the dimensions of the viewport (currently visible browser area)
+ viewportDimensions: ->
+ {
+ width: document.documentElement.clientWidth
+ height: document.documentElement.clientHeight
+ }
+ # Returns an object with x and y
+ mousePosition: (e) ->
+ return null unless e?
+ x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY
+ # Returns the offset of the element
+ offset: (element) ->
+ offset = $(element).offset()
+ {
+ left: offset.left
+ top: offset.top
+ }
+ # Observe given eventName
+ observe: (element, eventName, observer) -> $(element).bind eventName, observer
+ # Stop observing event
+ stopObserving: (element, eventName, observer) -> $(element).unbind eventName, observer
+ # Perform an AJAX request and call the appropriate callbacks.
+ ajax: (options) ->
+ throw new Error "No url provided" unless options.url?
+ $.ajax(
+ url: options.url
+ type: options.method?.toUpperCase() ? "GET"
+ )
+ .done((content) -> options.onSuccess? content)
+ .fail((request) -> options.onError? "Server responded with status #{request.status}")
+ .always(-> options.onComplete?())
+ # Utility functions
+ # =================
+ # Creates a shallow copy of the object
+ clone: (object) -> $.extend { }, object
+ # Copies all properties from sources to target
+ extend: (target, sources...) -> $.extend target, sources...
+ # Add the adapter to the list
+ Opentip.addAdapter new Adapter
diff --git a/test/src/200-adapters.coffee b/test/src/200-adapters.coffee
index 5f164c8..68be160 100644
--- a/test/src/200-adapters.coffee
+++ b/test/src/200-adapters.coffee
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ $ = jQuery
if Opentip.adapters.component
adapters = [ "component" ]
+else if Opentip.adapters.browserify
+ adapters = [ "browserify" ]
adapters = [
@@ -180,8 +182,8 @@ describe "Generic adapter", ->
describe "viewportDimensions()", ->
it "should return the viewportDimensions", ->
- origDimensions =
+ origDimensions =
width: document.documentElement.clientWidth
height: document.documentElement.clientHeight
diff --git a/test/test.html b/test/test.html
index 170c9cd..b5833ea 100644
--- a/test/test.html
+++ b/test/test.html
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@