This is a firmware for arduino + dmx shield.
It makes the arduino compatible with programs that use the Enttec Dmx Usb Pro protocol.
It uses the SimpleDmx library.
This has been successfully tested with SK Pang's Arduino DMX Shield, and should work with all mentioned by SimpleDmx. Make sure to change the TX pin according to your shield.
This has been sucessfully tested with the following software: ofxDmx, pySimpleDmx. And should work with others.
The implementation lacks some checking for bad packets for now. You're welcome to help!
sudo apt-get install arduino-mk
sudo usermod -aG dialout $(whoami)
Restart your session for the changes on groups to take effect.
Or su - $USER
git clone https://github.com/TinkerKit/DmxMaster
sudo cp -r DmxMaster /usr/share/arduino/libraries/
git clone [email protected]:emmanuelgeoffray/DmxUsbProArduino.git
cd DmxUsbProArduino
make upload