diff --git a/data/locale.policy.in b/data/locale.policy.in
index 4f405201..6dc08693 100644
--- a/data/locale.policy.in
+++ b/data/locale.policy.in
@@ -15,8 +15,7 @@
- /usr/bin/localectl
- org.freedesktop.locale1.set-locale org.debian.apt.install-or-remove-packages
+ org.debian.apt.install-or-remove-packages
diff --git a/src/LocaleManager.vala b/src/LocaleManager.vala
index 8bb547d3..a6390ed6 100644
--- a/src/LocaleManager.vala
+++ b/src/LocaleManager.vala
@@ -26,14 +26,14 @@ public interface AccountProxy : GLib.Object {
public interface Locale1Proxy : GLib.Object {
public abstract string[] locale { owned get; }
- public abstract void set_locale (string[] arg_0, bool arg_1) throws GLib.Error;
- public abstract void set_x11_keyboard (
- string arg_0,
- string arg_1,
- string arg_2,
- string arg_3,
- bool arg_4,
- bool arg_5
+ public abstract async void set_locale (string[] locale, bool interactive) throws GLib.Error;
+ public abstract async void set_x11_keyboard (
+ string layout,
+ string model,
+ string variant,
+ string options,
+ bool convert,
+ bool interactive
) throws GLib.Error;
@@ -167,70 +167,6 @@ namespace SwitchboardPlugLocale {
return get_system_locale () ?? "en_US.UTF-8";
- private void localectl_set_locale (string locale, string? format = null) throws GLib.Error {
- debug ("setting system-wide locale via localectl");
- if (Utils.get_permission ().allowed) {
- string output;
- int status;
- string cli = "/usr/bin/localectl";
- string command = "set-locale";
- try {
- if (format == null) {
- Process.spawn_sync (null,
- {"pkexec", cli, command, locale},
- Environ.get (),
- SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH,
- null, out output,
- null, out status);
- if (output != "") {
- critical ("localectl failed to set locale");
- }
- } else {
- Process.spawn_sync (null,
- {"pkexec", cli, command, locale, "LC_TIME=%s".printf (format),
- "LC_NUMERIC=%s".printf (format), "LC_MONETARY=%s".printf (format),
- "LC_MEASUREMENT=%s".printf (format)},
- Environ.get (),
- SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH,
- null, out output,
- null, out status);
- if (output != "") {
- critical ("localectl failed to set locale");
- }
- }
- } catch (Error e) {
- critical ("localectl failed to set locale");
- throw e;
- }
- }
- }
- private void localectl_set_x11_keymap (string layouts, string variants) throws GLib.Error {
- if (Utils.get_permission ().allowed) {
- string output;
- int status;
- string cli = "/usr/bin/localectl";
- string command = "set-x11-keymap";
- try {
- Process.spawn_sync (null,
- {"pkexec", cli, command, layouts, "", variants},
- Environ.get (),
- SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH,
- null, out output,
- null, out status);
- if (output != "") {
- critical ("localectl failed to set x11 keymap");
- }
- } catch (Error e) {
- critical ("localectl failed to set x11 keymap");
- throw e;
- }
- }
- }
public string? get_system_locale () {
foreach (unowned var locale in locale1_proxy.locale) {
if (locale.has_prefix ("LANG=")) {
@@ -241,19 +177,20 @@ namespace SwitchboardPlugLocale {
return null;
- public void apply_to_system (string language, string? format) {
- /*
- * This is a temporary solution for setting the system-wide locale.
- * I am assuming systemd in version 204 (which we currently ship from Ubuntu repositories)
- * is broken as SetLocale does not recognize the aquired polkit permission. Maybe that is
- * intended, but I do not believe this. May be fixed in a later version of systemd and should
- * be reversed (TODO) when introducing a newer version of systemd to elementary OS.
- */
+ public async void apply_to_system (string language, string? format) throws GLib.Error {
+ string[] locale = {"LANG=%s".printf (language)};
+ if (format != null) {
+ locale += "LC_TIME=%s".printf (format);
+ locale += "LC_NUMERIC=%s".printf (format);
+ locale += "LC_MONETARY=%s".printf (format);
+ locale += "LC_MEASUREMENT=%s".printf (format);
+ }
try {
- localectl_set_locale ("LANG=%s".printf (language), format);
+ yield locale1_proxy.set_locale (locale, true);
} catch (Error e) {
- warning (e.message);
+ throw (e);
string layouts = "";
@@ -282,10 +219,16 @@ namespace SwitchboardPlugLocale {
try {
- /* TODO: temporary solution for systemd-localed polkit problem */
- localectl_set_x11_keymap (layouts, variants);
+ yield locale1_proxy.set_x11_keyboard (
+ layouts,
+ "",
+ variants,
+ "",
+ true,
+ true
+ );
} catch (Error e) {
- warning (e.message);
+ throw (e);
diff --git a/src/Widgets/LocaleSetting.vala b/src/Widgets/LocaleSetting.vala
index 40a0aa93..125388aa 100644
--- a/src/Widgets/LocaleSetting.vala
+++ b/src/Widgets/LocaleSetting.vala
@@ -201,13 +201,7 @@ namespace SwitchboardPlugLocale.Widgets {
restart_infobar.revealed = true;
- set_system_button.clicked.connect (() => {
- if (!Utils.allowed_permission ()) {
- return;
- }
- on_applied_to_system ();
- });
+ set_system_button.clicked.connect (on_applied_to_system);
installer.check_missing_finished.connect (on_check_missing_finished);
@@ -333,9 +327,28 @@ namespace SwitchboardPlugLocale.Widgets {
var selected_locale = get_selected_locale ();
var selected_format = get_format ();
debug ("Setting system language to '%s' and format to '%s'", selected_locale, selected_format);
- lm.apply_to_system (selected_locale, selected_format);
+ lm.apply_to_system.begin (selected_locale, selected_format, (obj, res) => {
+ try {
+ lm.apply_to_system.end (res);
+ restart_infobar.revealed = true;
+ } catch (Error e) {
+ if (e.matches (GLib.DBusError.quark (), GLib.DBusError.ACCESS_DENIED)) {
+ return;
+ }
- restart_infobar.revealed = true;
+ var dialog = new Granite.MessageDialog (
+ _("Can't set system locale"),
+ e.message,
+ new ThemedIcon ("preferences-desktop-locale")
+ ) {
+ badge_icon = new ThemedIcon ("dialog-error"),
+ modal = true,
+ transient_for = ((Gtk.Application) Application.get_default ()).active_window
+ };
+ dialog.present ();
+ dialog.response.connect (dialog.destroy);
+ }
+ });
private class Locale : Object {