# MQTT Client
This project was developed with Python and Tkinter to subscribe to topics and messages, broadcast and search incoming messages while developing a project with the MQTT protocol.
0v4 05.12.2022
- Alfa MQTT Client
0v3 26.11.2022
- Alfa MQTT Client
0v2 15.10.2022
- Alfa MQTT Client
0v1 10.10.2022
- Start project
If you want to be included in the project, please copy it and make the changes you see necessary and submit.
pip install mqttclient
pyinstaller MQTTClient.py -w --windowed
pyinstaller MQTTClient.py --windowed --icon=icon.ico
pyinstaller MQTTClient.py -w --windowed
twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*
python setup.py py2app -A --iconfile icon.png
python setup.py py2exe -A --iconfile icon.png