A JavaScript Data Structure Library
Buckets is a complete, fully tested and documented data structure library written in pure JavaScript.
- Linked List
- Dictionary
- Multi Dictionary
- Binary Search Tree
- Stack
- Queue
- Set
- Bag
- Binary Heap
- Priority Queue
Buckets also includes several functions for manipulating arrays.
- Every desktop and mobile browser (including IE6)
- Node.js
If it supports JavaScript, it probably supports buckets.
Download directly
- buckets.js (for development) or
- buckets.min.js (for production)
Then, add it as a script tag to your page:
<script src="buckets.js"></script>
var aSet = new buckets.Set();
Or install bucketsjs
using bower
bower install bucketsjs
Or use an AMD loader
require(["./bower/bucketsjs/buckets.js"], function(buckets) {
var hm = new buckets.Dictionary();
Or install buckets-js
using npm
npm install buckets-js
In Node.js: var buckets = require('buckets-js');
var a = new buckets.Set();
var b = new buckets.Set();
a.union(b); // {1,2}
Read the documentation.
There's nothing else you need to use buckets. However, this guide may help you if you wish to contribute to the project or modify it.
Mauricio Santos, [email protected]