Automatic create an Intune Documentation to simplify the life of admins and consultants.
Automatic create an Intune Documentation to simplify the life of admins and consultants.
ExportIntuneData.ps1 - On a device with internet connectivity, open a PowerShell 5.1 session (not PowerShell core), it will connect to the Intune and Azure Services and export the data to a word or html format. It uses the PScribo PowerShell module ( and MSAL.PS PowerShell module ( It can be run from any Windows Device (Workstation, Server). As it uses external PowerShell module, it is recommended not to run from a Domain Controller.
To use the script, an Azure AD Application is required with the correct permissions
- create a Azure AD Application -
- error AADSTS7000218 - fix: Navigate to Azure AD -> App registration -> manifest and change ""allowPublicClient": null," or ""allowPublicClient": false," to ""allowPublicClient": true,".
- under API Permissions
- Click add a permission and select migrosoft graph, click Application permissions and add the following permissions:
- DeviceManagementApps.Read.All
- DeviceManagementConfiguration.Read.All
- DeviceManagementManagedDevices.PrivilegedOperations.All
- DeviceManagementManagedDevices.Read.All
- DeviceManagementRBAC.Read.All
- DeviceManagementServiceConfig.Read.All
- Directory.Read.All
- Group.Read.All
- User.Read.All
- CloudPC.Read.All
- RoleManagement.Read.CloudPC
- Organization.Read.All
- UserAuthenticationMethod.Read.All
- AuditLog.Read.All
- Click add a permission and select Intune, click Application permissions and add the following permissions:
- get_data_warehouse
- get_device_compliance
- under the API Permissions click Grant consent for the tenant
- under Certificates & secrets create a new client secret and copy the value to ClientSecret
Example01: Exports the Data in a word format using the ClientId xxx, CLientSecret xxx with TenantID and will save the file to c:\temp folder
.\ExportIntuneData.ps1 -ClientId 'xxx' -TenantId '' -ClientSecret 'xxx' -OutputFolderPath "c:\temp"
Example 02: Exports the Data in a html format using the ClientId xxx, CLientSecret xxx with TenantID and will save the file to c:\temp folder
.\ExportIntuneData.ps1 -BetaAPI -OutputFormat @('HTML') -ClientId 'xxx' -TenantId '' -ClientSecret 'xxx' -OutputFolderPath "c:\temp"
Example 03: Exports the Data in a word and html format using the ClientId xxx, CLientSecret xxx with TenantID and will save the file to c:\temp folder and Add the company details to the header
.\ExportIntuneData.ps1 -BetaAPI -OutputFormat @('Word', 'HTML') -ClientId 'xxx' -TenantId '' -ClientSecret 'xxx' -OutputFolderPath "c:\temp" -CompanyName 'RFL Systems' -CompanyWeb '' -CompanyEmail '[email protected]'
Example 04 (v0.2 onwards): Exports the Data in a word and html format using the ClientId xxx, CLientSecret xxx with TenantID, will save the file to c:\temp folder, Add the company details to the header but not export the Apps and Enrollment Sections
.\ExportIntuneData.ps1 -BetaAPI -OutputFormat @('Word', 'HTML') -ClientId 'xxx' -TenantId '' -ClientSecret 'xxx' -OutputFolderPath "c:\temp" -CompanyName 'RFL Systems' -CompanyWeb '' -CompanyEmail '[email protected]' -SectionEnrollment $false -SectionApps $false
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