The AT Internet tag allows you to follow your users activity throughout your application’s lifecycle. To help you, the tag makes available classes (helpers) enabling the quick implementation of tracking for different application events (screen loads, gestures, video plays…)
iOS 9.0+ or tvOS 9.0+ or watchOS 2.0
Supported devices :
- iPhone
- iPad
- Apple TV
- Apple Watch
- App Extension supported (you may need a different pod to avoid module conflicts, see below)
- Install our library on your project (see below)
- Check out the documentation page for an overview of the functionalities and code examples. Note that this repository is refered as SDK 2.5+
- We reworked how RichMedia and the refresh cycle works. We improved the sendPlay() method and added resume().More info here
- Static framework support added for Cocoapods. It works well for Swift Apps but the ObjC integration seems unstable.
- GDPR : ATInternet.OptOut , ATInternet.preventICloudSync , ATInternet.databasePath
Find the integration information by following [this link]
CocoaPods is a dependency manager which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries in your projects.
- iOS application :
target 'MyProject' do
pod "ATInternet-Apple-SDK/Tracker",">=2.0"
- tvOS application :
target 'MyProject' do
pod "ATInternet-Apple-SDK/tvOSTracker",">=2.0"
- watchOS application :
target 'MyProject' do
pod "ATInternet-Apple-SDK/watchOSTracker",">=2.0"
- App Extension :
target 'MyProject App Extension' do
pod "ATInternet-Apple-SDK/AppExtension",">=2.0"
Carthage is an alternative to Cocoapods. It’s a simple dependency manager for Mac and iOS, created by a group of developers from Github.
// AppDelegate.swift
import Tracker
let trackerDelegate = DefaultTrackerDelegate() // weak var !
let tracker: Tracker = ATInternet.sharedInstance.defaultTracker
tracker.setSiteId(410501, sync: true, completionHandler: nil) // required
tracker.setLog("logp", sync: true, completionHandler: nil) // required
// tracker.enableDebugger = true // track the hit sent
// tracker.delegate = trackerDelegate // verbose mode
tracker.screens.add().sendView() // send a screen hit