Gobbed is Free Software for connecting to your vehicle's data buses.
Gobbed began life as a bash script to talk to almost any Bluetooth ELM327 adapter. Gobbed has now become HTML + javascript on:
- Android (native app that runs HTML+JS)
- Linux (as a Chrome App)
- ChromeOS (as a Chrome App)
- Mac OS (as a Chrome App)
- Windows (as a Chrome App)
The longer explanation and the original bash script are here.
Hackers needed: It shouldn't take much work to create an iOS app. See bug #6.
- Android: Google Play Store link
- Linux: Chrome Web Store link
- ChromeOS: Chrome Web Store link
- Mac: Chrome Web Store link
- Windows: Chrome Web Store link
I write using Android Studio. (bug #3: add support for Eclipse)
Here's how to run the code in Android Studio:
git clone https://github.com/davidhubbard/gobbed.git
- Open the project in Android Studio and choose Run menu > Run 'app'
- If it runs ok on your device then you are ready to hack on the code.
- Go to (TBD source dir) and take a look at (TBD source file). This sets up the main UI.
Gobbed Copyright (c) David Hubbard 2016. Licensed under the GPLv3. Please see the COPYING.md file in this directory.