Parses forwarded emails and extracts original content.
This is a Go port of crisp-oss/email-forward-parser.
Pickup |
go get ""
import efp ""
result := efp.Read(body, subject)
log.Println(result.Forwarded) // true
// {
// Forwarded: true,
// Message: "Praesent suscipit egestas hendrerit.",
// Email: {
// Body: "Aenean quis diam urna.",
// From: {
// Name: "John Doe",
// Address: "[email protected]"
// },
// To: [{
// Name: "Bessie Berry",
// Address: "[email protected]"
// }],
// CC: [{
// Name: "Walter Sheltan",
// Address: "[email protected]"
// }],
// Subject: "Integer consequat non purus",
// Date: "25 October 2021 at 11:17:21 EEST"
// }
// }