pip install https://github.com/dantaki/sv2bed/releases/download/0.0.1/sv2bed-0.0.1.tar.gz
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convert a sv vcf to bed
Version: 0.0.1
Author: Danny Antaki <dantaki at ucsd dot com>
About: convert a vcf of svs to a bed file with bcftools
Usage: sv2bed [-h] <vcf> [options]
-f STR format string for bcftools query
-i STR include option for bcftools query
-e STR exclude option for bcftools query
-o FILE output file [default: /dev/stdout]
-h print this message and exit
sv2bed by default outputs a tab delimited bed file using
INFO/END as the end position and INFO/SVTYPE in the
sv2bed requires bcftools to be in the environment path
when using the -f option, pass each variable as a comma
separated string.
for example: sv2bed in.vcf -f %CHROM,%POS0,%ID
when using the -i or -e options, format the argument as
if you were using bcftools query or view.
for example: sv2bed in.vcf -e 'INFO/SVTYPE~"DEL"'