diff --git a/EXAMPLES/Anisotropic_part_third.py b/EXAMPLES/Anisotropic_part_third.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1af912a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/EXAMPLES/Anisotropic_part_third.py
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+# This is file Anisotropic_part_third.py
+# This is an example script intended to be distributed as part of a
+# software library centred on file eights.py
+# Anisotropic_part_third.py and eights.py were written by Dr. Daniel C. Hatton
+# Material up to and including release 0.2 copyright (C) 2017
+# University of Plymouth Higher Education Corporation
+# Changes since release 0.2 copyright (C) 2020-2021 Dr. Daniel C. Hatton
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation: version 3 of the
+# License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License, and the GNU General Public License
+# which it incorporates, for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License [in file ../LICENSE] along with this program. If not,
+# see .
+# Daniel Hatton thanks Dr. Justin E. Rigden, Specialist Intellectual
+# Property Advisor, for authorizing, on behalf of the University of
+# Plymouth Higher Education Corporation, the release of this program
+# under the licence terms stated above.
+# Daniel Hatton can be contacted on
+import FreeCAD
+import Part
+import eights
+pagesize = 'A3'
+pageorientation = 'Landscape'
+creator = 'Joe D. Draftsman'
+longtitle = 'A very important anisotropic part'
+legalowner = 'Acme Design Company'
+approver = 'Jane C. Manager'
+doctype = 'part drawing'
+docstatus = 'for review'
+sheetnum = 4
+totalsheets = 6
+inversescale = 2
+partnumber = 'P1'
+partlist = partnumber
+drawingnum = 'TRY4'
+year = 2020
+month = 6
+day = 26
+revision = 'A'
+# All distances in millimetres
+conelargediameter = 15.0
+conesmalldiameter = 7.5
+drawingviewspacing = 5.0
+symbolviewspacing = drawingviewspacing/3.0
+symbolxposition = 190.0
+symbolyposition = 280.0
+C1side = 100.0
+C1posn = FreeCAD.Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0)
+theshape = Part.makeBox(0.5*C1side,C1side,1.5*C1side,C1posn)
+scale = 1.0/inversescale
+drawingxposn = 100.0
+drawingyposn = 40.0
+thedocument = FreeCAD.newDocument("try_it")
+pagetitle = "try_this_bit"
+page_creator = eights.create_eights_drawing_sheet(thedocument, pagetitle,
+ pagesize, pageorientation,
+ creator,
+ longtitle,
+ legalowner,
+ approver,
+ doctype,
+ docstatus,
+ sheetnum, totalsheets,
+ inversescale, partlist,
+ drawingnum, year,
+ month, day, revision)
+dummyone = page_creator.create_it('putanyoldrubbishhere')
+thepage = thedocument.getObject(pagetitle)
+symbol_adder = eights.add_third_angle_projection_symbol(conelargediameter,
+ conesmalldiameter,
+ symbolviewspacing,
+ symbolxposition,
+ symbolyposition,
+ thepage)
+dummytwo = symbol_adder.put_it_in('putanyoldrubbishhere')
+drawings_adder = eights.third_angle_projection(partnumber, theshape,
+ drawingviewspacing,
+ drawingxposn,
+ drawingyposn,
+ scale,thepage)
+dummythree = drawings_adder.tap('putanyoldrubbishhere')
diff --git a/EXAMPLES/Assembly_back_third.py b/EXAMPLES/Assembly_back_third.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbb0b24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/EXAMPLES/Assembly_back_third.py
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# This is file Assembly_back_third.py
+# This is an example script intended to be distributed as part of a
+# software library centred on file eights.py
+# Assembly_back_third.py and eights.py were written by Dr. Daniel C. Hatton
+# Material up to and including release 0.2 copyright (C) 2017
+# University of Plymouth Higher Education Corporation
+# Changes since release 0.2 copyright (C) 2020-2021 Dr. Daniel C. Hatton
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation: version 3 of the
+# License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License, and the GNU General Public License
+# which it incorporates, for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License [in file ../LICENSE] along with this program. If not, see
+# .
+# Daniel Hatton thanks Dr. Justin E. Rigden, Specialist Intellectual
+# Property Advisor, for authorizing, on behalf of the University of
+# Plymouth Higher Education Corporation, the release of this program
+# under the licence terms stated above.
+# Daniel Hatton can be contacted on
+import FreeCAD
+import Part
+import eights
+pagesize = 'A3'
+pageorientation = 'Landscape'
+creator = 'Joe D. Draftsman'
+longtitle = 'A very important assembly laying on its back'
+legalowner = 'Acme Design Company'
+approver = 'Jane C. Manager'
+doctype = 'assembly drawing'
+docstatus = 'for review'
+sheetnum = 6
+totalsheets = 6
+inversescale = 2
+firstpartnumber = 'C2'
+secondpartnumber = 'S1'
+partlist = firstpartnumber+','+secondpartnumber
+drawingnum = 'TRY6'
+year = 2020
+month = 6
+day = 26
+revision = 'A'
+# All distances in millimetres
+conelargediameter = 15.0
+conesmalldiameter = 7.5
+drawingviewspacing = 5.0
+symbolviewspacing = drawingviewspacing/3.0
+symbolxposition = 190.0
+symbolyposition = 280.0
+C1side = 100.0
+C1posn = FreeCAD.Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0)
+thefirstshape = Part.makeBox(C1side,C1side,C1side,C1posn)
+scale = 1.0/inversescale
+drawingxposn = 30.0
+drawingyposn = 15.0
+S1diam = 100.0
+S1posn = FreeCAD.Vector(S1diam/2.0,3.0*S1diam/2.0,S1diam/2.0)
+thesecondshape = Part.makeSphere(S1diam/2.0,S1posn)
+scale = 1.0/inversescale
+theshape = thefirstshape.fuse(thesecondshape)
+thedocument = FreeCAD.newDocument("try_it")
+pagetitle = "try_this_bit"
+page_creator = eights.create_eights_drawing_sheet(thedocument, pagetitle,
+ pagesize, pageorientation,
+ creator,
+ longtitle,
+ legalowner,
+ approver,
+ doctype,
+ docstatus,
+ sheetnum, totalsheets,
+ inversescale, partlist,
+ drawingnum, year,
+ month, day, revision)
+dummyone = page_creator.create_it('putanyoldrubbishhere')
+thepage = thedocument.getObject(pagetitle)
+symbol_adder = eights.add_third_angle_projection_symbol(conelargediameter,
+ conesmalldiameter,
+ symbolviewspacing,
+ symbolxposition,
+ symbolyposition,
+ thepage)
+dummytwo = symbol_adder.put_it_in('putanyoldrubbishhere')
+drawings_adder = eights.third_angle_projection('Assembly', theshape,
+ drawingviewspacing,
+ drawingxposn,
+ drawingyposn,
+ scale,thepage)
+dummythree = drawings_adder.tap('putanyoldrubbishhere')
diff --git a/EXAMPLES/Assembly_side_third.py b/EXAMPLES/Assembly_side_third.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9f8116
--- /dev/null
+++ b/EXAMPLES/Assembly_side_third.py
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# This is file Assembly_side_third.py
+# This is an example script intended to be distributed as part of a
+# software library centred on file eights.py
+# Assembly_side_third.py and eights.py were written by Dr. Daniel C. Hatton
+# Material up to and including release 0.2 copyright (C) 2017
+# University of Plymouth Higher Education Corporation
+# Changes since release 0.2 copyright (C) 2020-2021 Dr. Daniel C. Hatton
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation: version 3 of the
+# License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License, and the GNU General Public License
+# which it incorporates, for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License [in file ../LICENSE] along with this program. If not, see
+# .
+# Daniel Hatton thanks Dr. Justin E. Rigden, Specialist Intellectual
+# Property Advisor, for authorizing, on behalf of the University of
+# Plymouth Higher Education Corporation, the release of this program
+# under the licence terms stated above.
+# Daniel Hatton can be contacted on
+import FreeCAD
+import Part
+import eights
+pagesize = 'A3'
+pageorientation = 'Landscape'
+creator = 'Joe D. Draftsman'
+longtitle = 'A very important assembly laying on its side'
+legalowner = 'Acme Design Company'
+approver = 'Jane C. Manager'
+doctype = 'assembly drawing'
+docstatus = 'for review'
+sheetnum = 5
+totalsheets = 6
+inversescale = 2
+firstpartnumber = 'C2'
+secondpartnumber = 'S1'
+partlist = firstpartnumber+','+secondpartnumber
+drawingnum = 'TRY5'
+year = 2020
+month = 6
+day = 26
+revision = 'A'
+# All distances in millimetres
+conelargediameter = 15.0
+conesmalldiameter = 7.5
+drawingviewspacing = 5.0
+symbolviewspacing = drawingviewspacing/3.0
+symbolxposition = 190.0
+symbolyposition = 280.0
+C1side = 100.0
+C1posn = FreeCAD.Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0)
+thefirstshape = Part.makeBox(C1side,C1side,C1side,C1posn)
+scale = 1.0/inversescale
+drawingxposn = 50.0
+drawingyposn = 40.0
+S1diam = 100.0
+S1posn = FreeCAD.Vector(3.0*S1diam/2.0,S1diam/2.0,S1diam/2.0)
+thesecondshape = Part.makeSphere(S1diam/2.0,S1posn)
+scale = 1.0/inversescale
+theshape = thefirstshape.fuse(thesecondshape)
+thedocument = FreeCAD.newDocument("try_it")
+pagetitle = "try_this_bit"
+page_creator = eights.create_eights_drawing_sheet(thedocument, pagetitle,
+ pagesize, pageorientation,
+ creator,
+ longtitle,
+ legalowner,
+ approver,
+ doctype,
+ docstatus,
+ sheetnum, totalsheets,
+ inversescale, partlist,
+ drawingnum, year,
+ month, day, revision)
+dummyone = page_creator.create_it('putanyoldrubbishhere')
+thepage = thedocument.getObject(pagetitle)
+symbol_adder = eights.add_third_angle_projection_symbol(conelargediameter,
+ conesmalldiameter,
+ symbolviewspacing,
+ symbolxposition,
+ symbolyposition,
+ thepage)
+dummytwo = symbol_adder.put_it_in('putanyoldrubbishhere')
+drawings_adder = eights.third_angle_projection('Assembly', theshape,
+ drawingviewspacing,
+ drawingxposn,
+ drawingyposn,
+ scale,thepage)
+dummythree = drawings_adder.tap('putanyoldrubbishhere')
diff --git a/EXAMPLES/Assembly_third.py b/EXAMPLES/Assembly_third.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83e4070
--- /dev/null
+++ b/EXAMPLES/Assembly_third.py
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# This is file Assembly_third.py
+# This is an example script intended to be distributed as part of a
+# software library centred on file eights.py
+# Assembly_third.py and eights.py were written by Dr. Daniel C. Hatton
+# Material up to and including release 0.2 copyright (C) 2017
+# University of Plymouth Higher Education Corporation
+# Changes since release 0.2 copyright (C) 2020 Dr. Daniel C. Hatton
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation: version 3 of the
+# License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License, and the GNU General Public License
+# which it incorporates, for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License [in file ../LICENSE] along with this program. If not, see
+# .
+# Daniel Hatton thanks Dr. Justin E. Rigden, Specialist Intellectual
+# Property Advisor, for authorizing, on behalf of the University of
+# Plymouth Higher Education Corporation, the release of this program
+# under the licence terms stated above.
+# Daniel Hatton can be contacted on
+import FreeCAD
+import Part
+import eights
+pagesize = 'A3'
+pageorientation = 'Landscape'
+creator = 'Joe D. Draftsman'
+longtitle = 'A very important assembly'
+legalowner = 'Acme Design Company'
+approver = 'Jane C. Manager'
+doctype = 'assembly drawing'
+docstatus = 'for review'
+sheetnum = 3
+totalsheets = 6
+inversescale = 2
+firstpartnumber = 'C2'
+secondpartnumber = 'S1'
+partlist = firstpartnumber+','+secondpartnumber
+drawingnum = 'TRY3'
+year = 2017
+month = 7
+day = 18
+revision = 'A'
+# All distances in millimetres
+conelargediameter = 15.0
+conesmalldiameter = 7.5
+drawingviewspacing = 5.0
+symbolviewspacing = drawingviewspacing/3.0
+symbolxposition = 190.0
+symbolyposition = 280.0
+C1side = 100.0
+C1posn = FreeCAD.Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0)
+thefirstshape = Part.makeBox(C1side,C1side,C1side,C1posn)
+scale = 1.0/inversescale
+drawingxposn = 100.0
+drawingyposn = 40.0
+S1diam = 100.0
+S1posn = FreeCAD.Vector(S1diam/2.0,S1diam/2.0,3.0*S1diam/2.0)
+thesecondshape = Part.makeSphere(S1diam/2.0,S1posn)
+scale = 1.0/inversescale
+theshape = thefirstshape.fuse(thesecondshape)
+thedocument = FreeCAD.newDocument("try_it")
+pagetitle = "try_this_bit"
+page_creator = eights.create_eights_drawing_sheet(thedocument, pagetitle,
+ pagesize, pageorientation,
+ creator,
+ longtitle,
+ legalowner,
+ approver,
+ doctype,
+ docstatus,
+ sheetnum, totalsheets,
+ inversescale, partlist,
+ drawingnum, year,
+ month, day, revision)
+dummyone = page_creator.create_it('putanyoldrubbishhere')
+thepage = thedocument.getObject(pagetitle)
+symbol_adder = eights.add_third_angle_projection_symbol(conelargediameter,
+ conesmalldiameter,
+ symbolviewspacing,
+ symbolxposition,
+ symbolyposition,
+ thepage)
+dummytwo = symbol_adder.put_it_in('putanyoldrubbishhere')
+drawings_adder = eights.third_angle_projection('Assembly', theshape,
+ drawingviewspacing,
+ drawingxposn,
+ drawingyposn,
+ scale,thepage)
+dummythree = drawings_adder.tap('putanyoldrubbishhere')
diff --git a/EXAMPLES/Single_part_third.py b/EXAMPLES/Single_part_third.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b5ebc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/EXAMPLES/Single_part_third.py
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+# This is file Single_part_third.py
+# This is an example script intended to be distributed as part of a
+# software library centred on file eights.py
+# Single_part_third.py and eights.py were written by Dr. Daniel C. Hatton
+# Material up to and including release 0.2 copyright (C) 2017
+# University of Plymouth Higher Education Corporation
+# Changes since release 0.2 copyright (C) 2020-2021 Dr. Daniel
+# C. Hatton
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation: version 3 of the
+# License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License, and the GNU General Public License
+# which it incorporates, for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License [in file ../LICENSE] along with this program. If not,
+# see .
+# Daniel Hatton thanks Dr. Justin E. Rigden, Specialist Intellectual
+# Property Advisor, for authorizing, on behalf of the University of
+# Plymouth Higher Education Corporation, the release of this program
+# under the licence terms stated above.
+# Daniel Hatton can be contacted on
+import FreeCAD
+import Part
+import eights
+pagesize = 'A3'
+pageorientation = 'Landscape'
+creator = 'Joe D. Draftsman'
+longtitle = 'A very important part'
+legalowner = 'Acme Design Company'
+approver = 'Jane C. Manager'
+doctype = 'part drawing'
+docstatus = 'for review'
+sheetnum = 1
+totalsheets = 6
+inversescale = 2
+partnumber = 'C1'
+partlist = partnumber
+drawingnum = 'TRY1'
+year = 2017
+month = 7
+day = 11
+revision = 'A'
+# All distances in millimetres
+conelargediameter = 15.0
+conesmalldiameter = 7.5
+drawingviewspacing = 5.0
+symbolviewspacing = drawingviewspacing/3.0
+symbolxposition = 190.0
+symbolyposition = 280.0
+C1side = 100.0
+C1posn = FreeCAD.Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0)
+theshape = Part.makeBox(C1side,C1side,C1side,C1posn)
+scale = 1.0/inversescale
+drawingxposn = 100.0
+drawingyposn = 40.0
+thedocument = FreeCAD.newDocument("try_it")
+pagetitle = "try_this_bit"
+page_creator = eights.create_eights_drawing_sheet(thedocument, pagetitle,
+ pagesize, pageorientation,
+ creator,
+ longtitle,
+ legalowner,
+ approver,
+ doctype,
+ docstatus,
+ sheetnum, totalsheets,
+ inversescale, partlist,
+ drawingnum, year,
+ month, day, revision)
+dummyone = page_creator.create_it('putanyoldrubbishhere')
+thepage = thedocument.getObject(pagetitle)
+symbol_adder = eights.add_third_angle_projection_symbol(conelargediameter,
+ conesmalldiameter,
+ symbolviewspacing,
+ symbolxposition,
+ symbolyposition,
+ thepage)
+dummytwo = symbol_adder.put_it_in('putanyoldrubbishhere')
+drawings_adder = eights.third_angle_projection(partnumber, theshape,
+ drawingviewspacing,
+ drawingxposn,
+ drawingyposn,
+ scale,thepage)
+dummythree = drawings_adder.tap('putanyoldrubbishhere')
diff --git a/EXAMPLES/Two_parts_third.py b/EXAMPLES/Two_parts_third.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a78678d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/EXAMPLES/Two_parts_third.py
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+# This is file Two_parts_third.py
+# This is an example script intended to be distributed as part of a
+# software library centred on file eights.py
+# Two_parts_third.py and eights.py were written by Dr. Daniel C. Hatton
+# Material up to and including release 0.2 copyright (C) 2017
+# University of Plymouth Higher Education Corporation
+# Changes since release 0.2 copyright (C) 2020-2021 Dr. Daniel
+# C. Hatton
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation: version 3 of the
+# License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License, and the GNU General Public License
+# which it incorporates, for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License [in file ../LICENSE] along with this program. If not, see
+# .
+# Daniel Hatton thanks Dr. Justin E. Rigden, Specialist Intellectual
+# Property Advisor, for authorizing, on behalf of the University of
+# Plymouth Higher Education Corporation, the release of this program
+# under the licence terms stated above.
+# Daniel Hatton can be contacted on
+import FreeCAD
+import Part
+import eights
+pagesize = 'A3'
+pageorientation = 'Landscape'
+creator = 'Joe D. Draftsman'
+longtitle = 'Some very important parts'
+legalowner = 'Acme Design Company'
+approver = 'Jane C. Manager'
+doctype = 'part drawings'
+docstatus = 'for review'
+sheetnum = 2
+totalsheets = 6
+inversescale = 5
+firstpartnumber = 'C2'
+secondpartnumber = 'S1'
+partlist = firstpartnumber+','+secondpartnumber
+drawingnum = 'TRY2'
+year = 2017
+month = 7
+day = 11
+revision = 'A'
+# All distances in millimetres
+conelargediameter = 15.0
+conesmalldiameter = 7.5
+drawingviewspacing = 5.0
+symbolviewspacing = drawingviewspacing/3.0
+symbolxposition = 190.0
+symbolyposition = 280.0
+C2side = 100.0
+C2posn = FreeCAD.Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0)
+thefirstshape = Part.makeBox(C2side,C2side,C2side,C2posn)
+S1diam = 100.0
+S1posn = FreeCAD.Vector(S1diam/2.0,S1diam/2.0,S1diam/2.0)
+thesecondshape = Part.makeSphere(S1diam/2.0,S1posn)
+scale = 1.0/inversescale
+firstdrawingxposn = 50.0
+firstdrawingyposn = 40.0
+seconddrawingxposn = 300.0
+seconddrawingyposn = 40.0
+thedocument = FreeCAD.newDocument("try_it")
+pagetitle = "try_this_bit"
+page_creator = eights.create_eights_drawing_sheet(thedocument, pagetitle,
+ pagesize, pageorientation,
+ creator,
+ longtitle,
+ legalowner,
+ approver,
+ doctype,
+ docstatus,
+ sheetnum, totalsheets,
+ inversescale, partlist,
+ drawingnum, year,
+ month, day, revision)
+dummyone = page_creator.create_it('putanyoldrubbishhere')
+thepage = thedocument.getObject(pagetitle)
+symbol_adder = eights.add_third_angle_projection_symbol(conelargediameter,
+ conesmalldiameter,
+ symbolviewspacing,
+ symbolxposition,
+ symbolyposition,
+ thepage)
+dummytwo = symbol_adder.put_it_in('putanyoldrubbishhere')
+first_drawings_adder = eights.third_angle_projection(firstpartnumber,
+ thefirstshape,
+ drawingviewspacing,
+ firstdrawingxposn,
+ firstdrawingyposn,
+ scale,thepage)
+dummythree = first_drawings_adder.tap('putanyoldrubbishhere')
+second_drawings_adder = eights.third_angle_projection(secondpartnumber,
+ thesecondshape,
+ drawingviewspacing,
+ seconddrawingxposn,
+ seconddrawingyposn,
+ scale,thepage)
+dummyfour = second_drawings_adder.tap('putanyoldrubbishhere')