This training setup is simpler than the TensorFlow version due to the dynamic graph structure of PyTorch.
Typically you can train the network with commands such as:
python -rtc -n 2 -b 64
Which says to run the solver with length 2 unrolls, a batch size of 64, to restore from a checkpoint if it exists, to show timing information, and to delete old checkpoints after new ones are saved (this does not use Tensorflow's method and will delete ALL older checkpoints in the checkpoint folder).
To view all the options for both, simply run with the -h
For debugging, it is often useful to see the network's output on the input images. For this use the -o
To change GPU, use -v GPU_ID
When training with 16/32 unrolls, it is probably a good idea to run the val process as well. This runs the current tracker against a validation set using the script. To do this, add the --run_val
flag. A common command towards the end of training would be
python -rtc -n 32 -b 8 -v 0 --run_val --val_device 1
The training regime from the Re3 paper is to start with 2 unrolls and a batch size of 64. When the loss plateaus, unroll 2x and decrease the batch size by 2x (or don't if you have enough memory). The loss will be written to the logs which can be read via running tensorboard. I find this quite helpful. Every time you increase the number of unrolls, the loss will jump up. This is expected. I have also set up tensorboard to show images of the first 3 channels of each convolutional filter. This can be useful for debugging as well to make sure the initialization is correct, and that values are changing between iterations.
To test the network, run the script. This has many helpful flags which can tweak the testing, such as choosing to display or not display the images, to record a video, to skip some number of initial frames, to only test every n videos, and more. To view all the options, use the -h