by default listens on port 2181/tcp
# the port at which the clients will connect
# disable the per-ip limit on the number of connections if this is a non-production config
by default listens on port 9092
property | desc |
---|---| | unique non-negative integer to be used as broker name | | hostname of the broker |
num.partitions | default number of partitions per topic |
default.replication.factor | default replication factor for topics |
unclean.leader.election.enable | choose between consistency and availability in event of an unclean leader election |
arg | desc |
--create TOPIC | create a topic |
--delete TOPIC | delete a topic |
--alter TOPIC | alter partitions / replica assignment / configuration for a topic |
--list | list the topics |
--partitions NUM | number of partitions for the topic being altered |
--zookeeper URLS | connection string for zookeeper connection (host:port ) |
--topic TOPIC | The topic to be created/deleted/altered |
--replication-factor NUM | The replication factor for each partition in the topic being created |
kafka-console-producer --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic TOPIC
kafka-console-consumer --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic kafkatopic --from-beginning
Kafka used for the on-line consumption of logs
Pub-sub model, consumers pull
Message is a payload of bytes
- segments of approximate uniformity (~1GB)
- message only exposed to consumers after flush
- message is logical offset in log (it will increase, but not consecutively)
leverages the filesystem page cache (ie no double buffering)
uses the Linux sendfile API call to avoid overhead
brokers use time-based retention (no knowledge of consumer state) - this allows consumer rewind
consumer groups - 1 consumer
partition in a topic is the smallest unit - to even the load, overpartition the topic
uses Zookeeper to coordinate (still?)
guarantees at-least-once delivery, not only-once delivery
no guarantee of ordering from different partitions
no replication at time of paper's writing
by keeping feature set minimal with small storage format, was more efficient than ActiveMQ/RabbitMQ in testing
# Add a node
rabbitmqctl stop_app
rabbitmqctl join_cluster rabbit@rabbit2
rabbitmqctl start_app
# Restart a node
rabbitmqctl stop
rabbitmq-server -detached
# Remove a node (locally)
rabbitmqctl stop_app
# Remove a node (remotely)
rabbitmqctl forget_cluster_node rabbit@rabbit1
# Get cluster status
rabbitmqctl cluster_status
# Rotate logs
rabbitmqctl rotate_logs <suffix>
port | desc |
4369 | EPMD |
5672 | AMQP connections |
15672 | mgmt interface |
rabbitmqctl list_queues name slave_pids synchronised_slave_pids
# to see where it's not being synced:
rabbitmqctl list queues name synchronised_slave_pids | grep -v node_name > output
rabbitmqctl sync_queue name
# can do a sad little bash loop after cleaning the output file to just queue names
for i in `cat output` ; do sudo rabbitmqctl sync_queue $i ; done
Set ulimit -n and fs.file-max to 500,000
Set low keepalives
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 6 net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl = 3 net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes = 3
For higher throughput, use larger TCP buffers
net.core.rmem_max = 16777216 net.core.wmem_max = 16777216
For more concurrent connections, smaller TCP buffers
- low
tcp_tw_reuse = 2
- low
Reduce per connection RAM use (drops throughput)
rabbit.tcp_listen_options.sndbuf = 16384 rabbit.tcp_listen_options.recbuf = 16384
Don't use 32-bit Erlang
flag | desc |
-LLL | LDIF, with no comments or version |
-Z | Use StartTLS |
-H $HOST | $HOST is server |
-b $SEARCHBASE | $SEARCHBASE is start point for search |
-x | Simple auth (not SASL) |
-W | Prompt for simple auth |
-D $BINDDN | Use $BINDDN to bind to LDAP directory |
- 2251
- 4510-4519
Holds the key database, Authentication Server, Ticket Granting Server. This might all be handled by one service. It's super sensitive, treat is as such. Since it handles authentication, at least one KDC should be running at all times
Issues the Ticket Granting Ticket. Only the correct password decrypts the TGT. Once the TGT is decrypted, it can be used to request individual service tickets.
The strength of the ticket is the strength of the password! (ie rotate PW regularly, use hard passwords).
Issues individual service tickets.
A sort of namespace for principals (ie users, services).
- Uses 56-bit DES (yikes!)
- credential forwarding
- ASN.1
- Kerberos: The Definitive Guide by Jason Garman