This is an experimental front-end for Ada analysis in Rascal.
It uses the Libadalang library to create abstract syntax trees for Ada source files and maps those to convenient data
type in Rascal.
- Python 3.9 or 3.10
- Libadalang (automatically installed)
- Langkit (automatically installed)
- alire
- maven
- Rascal Command line REPL
- JDK 11
Clone this repository: git clone --recurse-submodules
Run the install script.
To ease the use of this project, you can use an alias for the following command:
java -Xmx1g -Xss32m -Djava.library.path=absolute-path-of-the-ada-library -jar absolute-path-of-the-rascal-jar
You can also add the directory containing the compiled Ada library into your PATH (windows)/LD_LIBRARY_PATH (linux) so that you can omit the -Djava.library.path=
argument. Moreover that makes this project works with the vscode Rascal extension.
There are several analysis examples in this repository.
In order to launch them you need to be inside the directory containing the rascal file.
Launching the cyclomatic complexity analysis:
java -Xmx1g -Xss32m -Djava.library.path=../../src/main/ada/lib -jar absolute-path-to-the-rascal-jar cyclomatic_comp.rsc --args absolute-path-to-your-gpr