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Mikhail Veselov edited this page Mar 14, 2016 · 9 revisions

Libraries to examine


Sample usage

Data available to get by it


Sample usage

Data available to get by it


Account Details: Application name Audio Playlist creator API key 659fe60cbfb39c0869bbcbbb597af55d Shared secret 7aa26a94a8f1be6b57afc347cd962901 Registered to VMAtm

Last.Fm provides opportunity to gather overall information about artist, album or song with some extra data like top charts and so on.


4.4 You will implement suitable caching in accordance with the HTTP headers sent with web service responses. You will not make more than 5 requests per originating IP address per second, averaged over a 5 minute period, without prior written consent. You agree to cache similar artist and any chart data (top tracks, top artists, top albums) for a minimum of one week.

Sample usage

Data avilable


Account Details: Your API Key: NFCDOO9T4ELPLZ9T3 Your Consumer Key: 6783e7191eeb7f4f9bfb7967dcbfbcc2 Your Shared Secret: kmITOGqnSmyMO43xgGHzzw

API for determining some features of the song or artist. Limitation:

In general, non-commercial users of our API can expect a rate limit of around 120 calls per minute. HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 135 X-RateLimit-Limit: 120 X-RateLimit-Remaining: 62 X-RateLimit-Used: 58

Sample usage

Data available to get by it

artist - search for artists by name, description, or attribute, and get back detailed information about any artist including audio, similar artists, blogs, familiarity, hotttnesss, news, reviews, urls and video. song - search songs by artist, title, description, or attribute (tempo, duration, etc) and get detailed information back about each song, such as hotttnesss, audio_summary, or tracks. track - upload a track to the Echo Nest and receive summary information about the track including key, duration, mode, tempo, time signature along with detailed track info including timbre, pitch, rhythm and loudness information.