The Flow application (/server) is written in Racket and is made available under a GPL v3 license.
Our tools emit occam-pi, a parallel programming languages developed in the mid-1980s. ( The compiled occam bytecode is interpreted by the Transterpreter Virtual Machine (TVM). ( More can be learned about both of these technologies at The TVM is made avialable under an LGPL license, and occam-pi (and the associated toolchain) is made available under the GPL... I think.
The interface for Flow (/interface) is made avaialable under an MIT license. ( I think.
The Flow icon is made avaialble by Lady Ada (adafruit) on Flickr under a CC BY-NC-SA license. I do not believe we have run afoul of that license by using it as an icon. (
The PLT group produces Racket, a dialect of Scheme. Its libraries are distributed as part of this application. ( Racket is made avaialble under the LGPL.
I do not know if I have inadvertantly forgotten a license in documenting this project.