This guide helps developers to migrate from the JVM SDK v1 to the Java SDK v2.
- Compatibility Module
- Client Configuration and Creation
- Timeout Setting
- Headers
- Retry
- Draft Builder
- Create Command
- Create From Json
- Update Command
- Query - GetById
- Query
The SDK provides a compatibility module. This module e.g. allows the usage of the SDKv2 client with in conjunction with all the commands of the SDKv1. For more details please see javadoc
From the 1.x we substitute the SphereClientFactory class with the ApiRootBuilder class in the 2.x.
The benefit is that after the ApiRootBuilder has been defined, it's easy to create the requests directly from it. There are example below that can clarify the behaviour.
final SphereClient sphereClient = SphereClientFactory.of()
.createClient("projectKey", "clientId", "clientSecret");
final ProjectApiRoot projectRoot = ApiRootBuilder.of()
ServiceRegion.GCP_EUROPE_WEST1.getOAuthTokenUrl(), ServiceRegion.GCP_EUROPE_WEST1.getApiUrl())
In both versions is the executeBlocking() method that sets the timeout.
PagedQueryResult<Category> response = blockingClient().executeBlocking(CategoryQuery.of(), 45,
CategoryPagedQueryResponse response = projectClient().categories()
To set headers, in the 1.x there is the HttpRequest class and in the 2.x the ApiHttpRequest class.
The main difference, as you can see the example below, is that the ApiHttpRequest can be directly instantiated and it can be directly set the type of method (GET or POST), the URI, the headers and the body.
1.x There is no way to set the header directly in the request 2.x
final CartPagedQueryResponse carts = projectClient().carts()
.addHeader("foo", "bar")
In the examples below there is a huge difference about the Retry for the version 1.x and 2.x.
As can be seen, in the version 1.x, it has to be define piece by piece: the retry rules, then the SphereClient and then the request in this case PagedQueryResult.
On the contrary in the version 2.x, the setup of the request can be built directly during the client creation, so we are going to have the ByProjectKeyRequestBuilder built including the setting of the Retry through the RetryMiddleware and as a plus, like in this case, it is possible to set up other parameters to our request like the logger InternalLoggerFactory. After that, we will have our request CategoryPagedQueryResponse.
final int maxAttempts = 5;
final List<RetryRule> retryRules = singletonList(RetryRule.of(
RetryPredicate.ofMatchingStatusCodes(BAD_GATEWAY_502, SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE_503, GATEWAY_TIMEOUT_504),
RetryAction.ofExponentialBackoff(maxAttempts, 100, 2000)));
final SphereClient client = RetrySphereClientDecorator.of(sphereClient(), retryRules);
final PagedQueryResult<Category> categoryPagedQueryResult = client.execute(CategoryQuery.of())
final ByProjectKeyRequestBuilder projectClient = ApiRootBuilder.of()
policyBuilder -> policyBuilder.withRetry(retry -> retry.maxRetries(5)
.statusCodes(Arrays.asList(BAD_GATEWAY_502, SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE_503, GATEWAY_TIMEOUT_504))))
final CategoryPagedQueryResponse body = projectClient.categories().get().executeBlocking().getBody();
About the DraftBuilder the main difference is that in the 2.x there are not inheritances for the DraftBuilder classes, but there are no so much differences in the behaviour.
LocalizedString name = LocalizedString.ofEnglish("name");
LocalizedString slug = LocalizedString.ofEnglish("slug");
LocalizedString metaDescription = LocalizedString.ofEnglish("metaDescription");
LocalizedString metaTitle = LocalizedString.ofEnglish("metaTitle");
LocalizedString metaKeywords = LocalizedString.ofEnglish("metaKeywords");
CategoryDraft categoryDraft = CategoryDraftBuilder.of(name, slug)
String en = Locale.ENGLISH.toLanguageTag();
LocalizedString name = LocalizedStringBuilder.of().addValue(en, "name").build();
LocalizedString slug = LocalizedStringBuilder.of().addValue(en, "slug").build();
LocalizedString metaDescription = LocalizedStringBuilder.of().addValue(en, "metaDescription").build();
LocalizedString metaTitle = LocalizedStringBuilder.of().addValue(en, "metaTitle").build();
LocalizedString metaKeywords = LocalizedStringBuilder.of().addValue(en, "metaKeywords").build();
CategoryDraft categoryDraft = CategoryDraftBuilder.of()
In the 2.x there are not dedicated classes for the Create Command, but there are builders (you can see better in the Update Command). It means that to have a request it needs to have a draft to build which has to be passed into the post() method.
Here the differences:
LocalizedString name = LocalizedString.ofEnglish("name");
LocalizedString slug = LocalizedString.ofEnglish("slug");
CategoryDraft categoryDraft = CategoryDraftBuilder.of(name, slug).build();
Category category = blockingClient().executeBlocking(CategoryCreateCommand.of(categoryDraft));
String en = Locale.ENGLISH.toLanguageTag();
LocalizedString name = LocalizedStringBuilder.of().addValue(en, "name").build();
LocalizedString slug = LocalizedStringBuilder.of().addValue(en, "slug").build();
CategoryDraft categoryDraft = CategoryDraftBuilder.of().name(name).slug(slug).build();
Category category = projectClient().categories().post(categoryDraft).executeBlocking().getBody();
The main difference in this case is that we replaced the SphereJsonUtils class with the JsonUtils class.
final CategoryDraft categoryDraft = SphereJsonUtils.readObjectFromResource("category.json",
final Category category = blockingClient().executeBlocking(CategoryCreateCommand.of(categoryDraft));
final CategoryDraft categoryDraft = JsonUtils.fromJsonString(TestUtils.stringFromResource("category.json"),
final Category category = projectClient().categories().post(categoryDraft).executeBlocking().getBody();
Like the Create Command, there are not dedicated classes for the Update Command, but the use of the UpdateBuilder to create the type of update action to apply in the post method is substantial to build the update action.
Here the differences:
LocalizedString newName = LocalizedString.ofEnglish("new name");
CategoryUpdateCommand command = CategoryUpdateCommand.of(category,
Category updatedCategory = blockingClient().executeBlocking(command);
LocalizedString newName = LocalizedStringBuilder.of().addValue("en", "new name").build();
CategoryUpdate categoryUpdate = CategoryUpdateBuilder.of()
Category updatedCategory = projectClient().categories()
In case of query by Id, the 2.x is not so different from the previous cases, except that it uses the get method before other ways to filter our request.
Category loadedCategory = blockingClient()
.executeBlocking(CategoryByIdGet.of(category.getId()).withExpansionPaths(m -> m.parent()));
Category queriedCategory = projectClient().categories()
To continue the previous case, to build complex query we use ResourcePagedQueryResponse(in the 1.x is PagedQueryResult) which is meant to apply limit, count, total, offset, and result to our query. And the structure as the example before is to use get before other ways to filter our request.
PagedQueryResult<Category> pagedQueryResult = blockingClient()
CategoryPagedQueryResponse response = projectClient().categories()
.withWhere("id = :id")
.withPredicateVar("id", "id123")