aka Event Thingy Store
make setup
Terminal 1
cd shared
make run
Terminal 2
cd backend
make import
make run
Terminal 3
cd frontend
make run
- golang
- air https://github.com/cosmtrek/air
- elm
- elm-live
- protoc
- protoc-gen-elm https://www.npmjs.com/package/protoc-gen-elm
- docker
- automatic rebuild backend
- automatic rebuild frontend
- wait free reads
- removed rw lock
- load all data before starting to serve requests
- keep read short
- all state exists as persisted event / kafka is the only source of truth
- avoid (syncronous) network calls
- minimize overhead in data flow, data access, code structure
sync frontend
- websocket
- localstorage
- tab open
- extract simba
- [DONE] lock: exclusive, sharedread, waitfree
- [SKIP] serialize: json, protobuf
- [DONE] configure: massage wrapper
- [DONE] processing: batch & finalize vs single-step
- batch only during start vs dynamic selection
- [DONE] sync to other contexts before processing commands
- extend simba to create bridges
- share events between contexts
- configurable api domain in frontend
- configurable spa domain in backend
- http handler wrapper for CORS setup
- production docker image
- limit cpu and memory use locally
- remove .uuid
- [DONE] use context specific data structs
- [DONE] generalize context
- tests for handlers * cqrs & context
- [DONE] context with swapable model & read-write lock
- liveness probe / readiness probe
- check kafka
- remember last connection and let that be the test
- the processor needs to signal, that it is stuck (msg unknown)
- /metrics endpoint for prometheus
- add model size, writes, writetime, readtime, reads, handler calls to metrics
- hook into sarama metrics to expose
- add timeouts & retries & exponential backoff & shedding & circuitbreaking & avoid thundering heard
- ensure ordered cart is exactly the cart shown in the browser
- better startup
- snapshots
- add a confirmation email
- when triggering an sideeffect, then ensure to do this only once
- after dirty shutdown wait for ip ttl
- use https://godoc.org/github.com/golang-collections/go-datastructures/slice/skip#SkipList.ByPosition
- debug
- tracing via jaeger
- debugger local
- debug prod system
- cpu & memory profiler
- browser events in kafka
- copy prod events to local
- production image
- remove .uuid
- use int32 everywhere https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/eriktim/elm-protocol-buffers/latest/#known-limitations
- use less & cleanup css classes from html elm
- [DONE] use protobuf / remove json
- [DONE] use modules
- use urls & links
- only process results matching the current model
- configure backend url
- tests
- add timeouts & retries & exponential backoff & shedding & circuitbreaking & avoid thundering heard
- create an uneasy environment https://github.com/Netflix/SimianArmy/tree/master/src/main/resources/scripts
- e2e tests
- add pim
- add fulfilment
- add cms
- add search
- tilt
- use arc cache to skip marshal from struct to json