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Releases: cloudposse/terraform-aws-eks-fargate-profile


11 Jul 23:27
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Enable 1 Pod Execution Role Per Cluster @Nuru (#33)


  • Enable 1 Pod Execution Role Per Cluster by allowing users to create either a role or a profile or both
  • Deprecate "profile role" terminology in favor of "pod execution role"
  • Update example
  • Update tests
  • Update README and workflows


  • All Fargate Profiles can use the same Pod Execution Role, and there is no advantage (and several disadvantages) to using a different role with each profile. This module used to always create both a profile and a role. Now it allows you to create one or the other or both.
  • The term "profile role" is confusing and suggests using one role per profile. The term "pod execution role" matches AWS documentation.
  • Example used old modules that were incompatible with AWS provider v5 and did not set ALB tags.
    • Supersedes and closes #27.
    • Supersedes and closes #31.
  • Explain 1 role per cluster. Supersedes and closes #32
Sync github @max-lobur (#29)

Rebuild github dir from the template


17 May 09:15
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  • No changes


24 May 20:16
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Allow overriding Fargate Profile name and Fargate Role name. Update Fargate Profile naming @aknysh (#26)


  • Allow overriding Fargate Profile name and Fargate Role name
  • Add the provide Kubernetes namespace to the Fargate Profile name when it's derived from the context


  • Allow the caller of the module to specify the names of the Fargate Profile and Fargate IAM Role (instead of deriving them from the context)
  • Allow provisioning multiple Fargate Profiles into the same account (using the same context values) but for different Kubernetes namespaces


24 May 16:38
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Update module versions. Update GitHub Actions. Update example and tests. Update README @aknysh (#25)


  • Update module versions
  • Update GitHub Actions
  • Update example and tests
  • Update README


  • Keep up to date


Waiting for worker nodes to join the EKS cluster...
Creating Kubernetes deployment 'demo-deployment' in the 'default' namespace...
Created Kubernetes deployment "demo-deployment"
Node has joined the EKS cluster at 2022-05-24 07:59:51 +0000 UTC
Node has joined the EKS cluster at 2022-05-24 07:59:52 +0000 UTC
Node has joined the EKS cluster at 2022-05-24 08:01:26 +0000 UTC
All nodes have joined the EKS cluster
Listing deployments in namespace '"default"':
* Deployment 'demo-deployment' has 1 replica(s)
Deleting deployment 'demo-deployment' ...
Deleted deployment 'demo-deployment'


27 Aug 21:19
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🚀 Enhancements

Use partition @nitrocode (#19)


  • Use partition


  • Govcloud




21 Aug 03:31
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🤖 Automatic Updates

Update @cloudpossebot (#18)


This is an auto-generated PR that updates the file to the latest version from cloudposse/terraform-null-label


To support all the features of the context interface.


14 Mar 18:30
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Update @abhinavkhanna-sf (#17)


  • added permissions_boundary to aws_iam_role


  • module can accept permissions_boundary



06 Feb 02:49
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🤖 Automatic Updates

Update Terraform cloudposse/label/null to v0.24.1 @renovate (#15)

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
cloudposse/label/null (source) terraform minor 0.19.2 -> 0.24.1

Release Notes



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Allow control of letter case of outputs @​SweetOps (#​107)

You now have control over the letter case of generated tag names and supplied labels, which means you also have control over the letter case of the ultimate id.

Labels are the elements you can include in label_order, namely namespace, environment, stage, name, and attributes. For every non-empty label, a corresponding tag name is generated. For namespace, environment, stage, the output is the formatted, normalized input. (By "normalized" we mean that it goes through regex_replace_chars.), For attributes, which is a list, each element is normalized, duplicates are removed, and the resulting list is converted to a string by joining the elements with the delimiter (defaults to hyphen). For name, which is special, the output is the same as id, which is the joining of the labels in the order specified by label_order and separated by delimiter.

  • You can set label_key_case to one of upper, lower, or title, which will result in generated tag names in the corresponding case: NAME, name, or Name. For backwards compatibility, title is the default
  • You can set label_value_case to one of upper, lower, title, or none, which will result in output label values in the corresponding case (with none meaning no case conversion of any kind will be done, though the labels will still be subject to regex_replace_chars). The case converted labels will show up not just in the module output of the labels themselves, but also in the tag values and in the id string.

You can look at the test cases in examples/complete and the expected results in test/src/examples_complete_test.go to see examples of how this is supposed to work.

One interesting example is that you can create ids in Pascal case by setting label_value_case = "title" and delimiter = "".

Include updates to exports/ @​Nuru (#​122 and #​123) ##### what - Include updates to `exports/` - Update README with features and compatibilty - Add validation for `id_length_limit` ##### why - The `exports/` is what gets distributed and needs to be in sync - Replace outdated information - Was not validated earlier because validators are not supported in TF 0.12 but now we are dropping support for TF 0.12 and so we can add validators
Restore backward compatibility with v0.22.1 and earlier @​Nuru (#​121) ##### what - Restore backward compatibility with v0.22.1 and earlier - Allow setting of `label_key_case` and `label_value_case` by vars, not just by context attributes. ##### why - Allow interoperability of old and new modules - Normally, root modules make settings via individual variables, not by setting an entire context block.

Incorporates and closes #​120


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Restore backward compatibility with v0.22.1 and earlier @​Nuru (#​121) ##### what - Restore backward compatibility with v0.22.1 and earlier - Allow setting of `label_key_case` and `label_value_case` by vars, not just by context attributes. ##### why - Allow interoperability of old and new modules - Normally, root modules make settings via individual variables, not by setting an entire context block.

Incorporates and closes #​120

Allow control of letter case of outputs @​SweetOps (#​107)

You now have control over the letter case of generated tag names and supplied labels, which means you also have control over the letter case of the ultimate id.

Labels are the elements you can include in label_order, namely namespace, environment, stage, name, and attributes. For every non-empty label, a corresponding tag name is generated. For namespace, environment, stage, the output is the formatted, normalized input. (By "normalized" we mean that it goes through regex_replace_chars.), For attributes, which is a list, each element is normalized, duplicates are removed, and the resulting list is converted to a string by joining the elements with the delimiter (defaults to hyphen). For name, which is special, the output is the same as id, which is the joining of the labels in the order specified by label_order and separated by delimiter.

  • You can set label_key_case to one of upper, lower, or title, which will result in generated tag names in the corresponding case: NAME, name, or Name. For backwards compatibility, title is the default
  • You can set label_value_case to one of upper, lower, title, or none, which will result in output label values in the corresponding case (with none meaning no case conversion of any kind will be done, though the labels will still be subject to regex_replace_chars). The case converted labels will show up not just in the module output of the labels themselves, but also in the tag values and in the id string.

You can look at the test cases in examples/complete and the expected results in test/src/examples_complete_test.go to see examples of how this is supposed to work.

One interesting example is that you can create ids in Pascal case by setting label_value_case = "title" and delimiter = "".

##### Known issues - `exports/` still not backwards compatible - Validation for `id_length` not included in `exports/`


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Known issues
  • Does not interoperate with earlier versions of null-label. The canonical context = module.this.context fails if module.this.context is an older version
  • does not incorporate var.label_key_case and var.label_value_case into the module.this object, preventing those variables from taking effect in the root module's module.this.
feat: add support for setting letter case of context tags @​SweetOps (#​107)

With this release, you gain control over the letter case of generated tag names and supplied labels, which means you also have control over the letter case of the ultimate id.

Labels are the elements you can include in label_order, namely namespace, environment, stage, name, and attributes. For every non-empty label, a corresponding tag name is generated. For namespace, environment, stage, the output is the formatted, normalized input. (By "normalized" we mean that it goes through regex_replace_chars.), For attributes, which is a list, each element is normalized, duplicates are removed, and the resulting list is converted to a string by joining the elements with the delimiter (defaults to hyphen). For name, which is special, the output is the same as id, which is the joining of the labels in the order specified by label_order and separated by delimiter.

  • You can set label_key_case to one of upper, lower, or title, which will result in generated tag names in the corresponding case: NAME, name, or Name. For backwards compatibility, title is the default
  • You can set label_value_case to one of upper, lower, title, or none, which will result in output label values in the corresponding case (with none meaning no case conversion of any kind will be done, though the labels will still be subject to regex_replace_chars). The case converted labels will show up not just in the module output of the labels themselves, but also in the tag values and in the id string.

You can look at the test cases in examples/complete and the expected results in test/src/examples_complete_test.go to see examples of how this is supposed to work.

One interesting example is that you can create ids in Pascal case by setting label_value_case = "title" and delimiter = "".


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Add var.attributes to end of context.attributes, not vice versa @​Nuru (#​114) ##### what - Add `var.attributes` to end of `context.attributes`, not vice versa - Update to current workflows (with some exceptions) ##### why - Modules should append to attributes passed in, not insert themselves ahead of others - New features, like auto-format (but holding back some, because this is a special module) ##### references - closes #​113 - closes #​108


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06 Feb 02:17
Choose a tag to compare updated to v0.24.1, minimum required Terraform version bumped to 0.13.0 when needed, readme updated @maximmi (#13)


  • update to v0.24.1
  • minimum required Terraform version bumped to 0.13.0
  • readme updated, Bridgecrew compliance badges added


  • It allows for setting the letter case of tag names and labels, back compatibility with context v0.22.0 and below
  • we have dropped support for Terraform 0.12
  • To be able see and fix the recommendations from Bridgecrew so we can position our modules as standards compliant

Closes #14


04 Feb 06:55
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Terraform 0.14 upgrade @maximmi (#12)


  • Upgrade to support Terraform 0.14 and bring up to current Cloud Posse standard


  • Support Terraform 0.14

supersedes and closes #11