v4.5.1: New architecture adjustments, fixes and QOL updates
Hello community!
As the new architecture is getting closer, libraries are prepared to meet all it's requirements and users/devs expectations that the library runs just fine when using new architecture.
This release brings such improvements and under-the-hood adjustments to the Slider, made in
PR 589: fix: new arch measurements on Android by @okwasniewski.
Also, huge THANK YOU 🙏 to all contributors for:
- Web-Specific Fixes for onValueChange and Deprecated React Methods by @landabaso in #563
- feat: add slider limits to web by @JacobDel in #565
- Replace metro-react-native-babel-preset with @react-native/babel-preset by @dmytrorykun in #573
- Fix Thumb Positioning on Web (#567) by @landabaso in #568
- fix keyboard progress increment getting stuck at 6 by @vafada in #572
- chore: update actions to latest versions by @retyui in #579
I have to mention, that many of these PRs and contributions were made without any specific issues, or reports or request, so I appreciate all the help!
For full changelog see: v4.5.0...v4.5.1
As you may find out, there are two new props already present in the README that are marked as ☣️ experimental ☣️.
They are related to new feature(s): custom step marker, which is still under some constructions, but it's code is already on the main branch.
Feel free to use it, play with it, experiment with it, but please remember it's still to be polished.
Also, before officially released, this feature could definitely use some issue reports or feedback.
Have a nice day!