- Replace
- Use Rack Attack middleware
- Use fuubar formatter with RSpec
- Outputs a progress bar
- Consider using the
option to RSpec (when appropriate) - Try using paraspec instead of parallel_specs
- Draper - presenter objects
- SimpleForm or Formtastic
- Pundit for authorization
- Rolify to define and manage roles
- Database cleaner gem for testing
- Shoulda matchers?
- Rails Best Practices
- RubyCritic
- Brakeman
- static analysis vulnerability scanner
- Railroader fork
- because Brakeman is apparently no longer OSS
- Mina for deployment
- Faster than Capistrano, because it uses a single SSH connection, instead of per command
- Does not have rollback yet
- Ransack - build complex search forms
- Consider new alternative HTTP servers, instead of Puma