- Dropwizard Java web framework
- Probably better/simpler than Spring Boot
- At least for APIs
- Jetty for HTTP
- Jersey for REST
- Jackson for JSON
- Still overly verbose for standard boilerplate getters/setters
- Hibernate Validator declarative validations of user input
- Probably better/simpler than Spring Boot
- Thymeleaf Java HTML templates
- TAL - template attribute language
- Just plain HTML with special attributes added
- Also a new way to write plain HTML, with decoupled (in a separate file) view logic
- TAL - template attribute language
- Lombok
- Annotations to reduce getter/setter boilerplate
- Has IDE plugins for annotation processing
- Google Auto
- AutoValue is an alternative to Lombok
- Provides more flexibility than Lombok, with fewer annotations, but not nearly as concise
- Only for value object classes; no setters can be created
- Implemented via a concrete class subclassed from an abstract class that you write
- Have to use a builder to instantiate an object
- AutoFactory creates JSR-330-compatible factories via annotations
- No IDE plugins for annotation processing
- AutoValue is an alternative to Lombok
- Immutables
- Another Lombok alternative
- Only for immutable value objects
- Implemented via a concrete class subclassed from an abstract class that you write
- Have to use a builder to instantiate an object
- Has IDE plugins for annotation processing
- Automatic JSON serialization
- Repository generation for Mongo
- AssertJ
- Newer alternative to Hamcrest
- Slightly simpler syntax than Hamcrest
import static org.assertj.core.api.Java6Assertions.assertThat;
- Kotlin
- Data classes create POJO with getters, setters, equals(), hashCode(), toString() and copy() in a single line:
data class Customer(val name: String, val email: String, val company: String)
- Easier-to-user lambdas (with implicit
):val positiveNumbers = list.filter { it > 0 }
- Easy singletons:
object ThisIsASingleton {}
- Optional semi-colons
- Improved type signature syntax:
var output: String
fun main(args: Array<String>) {}
- Create object Python-style (without the
) - String interpolation:
println("Hello, $name")
- Explicit nullable types; protection from NullPointerException
val name: String? = null
println(name.length()) // Compilation error
- Data classes create POJO with getters, setters, equals(), hashCode(), toString() and copy() in a single line: