Releases: bernaferrari/GradleKotlinConverter
2020 release, many new conversions, project now has a test
Thanks to all contributors that made this even better in the past year!
Add compile -> implementation, ":" to " =" and improves documentation
Also, working fine without Kscript (already was, but I only noticed now).
Plugin block, plugin id and JetBrains dependencies conversion
The script can now identify multiple plugins that are together and group them into a plugins block. This solves a lot of issues from Kotlin DSL and is the 'recommended' way of doing things.
now becomes
plugins {
Additionally, there is now conversion for all org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin
now becomes
There is now conversion for id(..)
which might be inside plugins.
plugins {
id "io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt" version "1.0"
now becomes
plugins {
id("io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt") version "1.0"
This also fixes some issues, like one with classpath exclude and another with kapt "...".
New conversions, fixes and improvements
[NEW] "check", "debugImplementation", "compileOnly", "testInstrumentationRunner", "signingConfig signingConfigs.release" and "ext.enableCrashlytics = true" conversions.
[Improved] Conversion for implementation/kapt/etc doesn't require the dependencies { } block anymore. Which means, you can now copy implementation '...' from GitHub and run the script without any parameters; it will read the clipboard, convert and save back the converted value (which should be implementation("...")).
[Fixed] few issues like closing the wrong number of parentheses on proguardFiles(...).
3 new conversions and fixes.
[NEW] Kotlin stdlib, classpath and class.exclude group conversions (useful for lombok).
Updated README to show all the new powers.
Also, fixes a typo.
If you have any issue, please let me know!