Create a NAXSI web application firewall for owncloud
This repository provides owncloud with NAXSI web application firewall for x86 on Docker. It contains 5 container:
- owncloud-naxsi: runs the naxsi web application firewall
- owncloud-nginx: runs the nginxs webserver with owncloud installation
- owncloud-data: is a data volume container for owncloud-nginx and contains the data
- owncloud-postgres: runs the postgresal database
- owncloud-postgres-data: contains the data for postgresql database
Also the repo includes simple backup and restore scripts.
- Install Docker
- Install docker-compose
Just execute the It will build all needed images and start the containers.
The default user is admin with password admin.
test elasticsearch:
curl -XGET http://elasticsearch:9200/
create nxapi tabel:
curl -XPUT 'http://elasticsearch:9200/nxapi/'
write stuff to db: -c /etc/nginx/nxapi.json --files=/var/log/nginx/naxsi_error.log
check command:
curl -XPOST "http://elasticsearch:9200/nxapi/events/_search?pretty" -d '{}' -x -c /etc/nginx/nxapi.json -s
generate whitelist: -c /etc/nginx/nxapi.json -s -f --slack
generate whitelist for a special uri -c /etc/nginx/nxapi.json -s -f --filter 'uri /core/img/actions/delete.svg' --slack
save the rule in
tag the rule in the elasticsearch db -c /etc/nginx/nxapi.json -s -w /etc/nginx/naxsi_whitelist.rules --tag
- Patrick Münch atomic111
- Dominik Richter arlimus
- Christoph Hartmann chris-rock
- Write permanant NAXSI events to elasticsearch
- Clean NAXSI logs
- Use Kibana for visualization
- Clean rules
- Author:: Patrick Muench [email protected]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.