Messages declared in zenoh.mli/ml shoud always use Abuf as opposed to expose Lwt_bytes
variable names should avoid using camel case.
- do not repeat code, use fuctions and function composition, as an example replace the use of: ; match ((int_of_char header) land (int_of_char Flags.pFlag)) with | 0x00 -> Result.ok (Scout.create mask [], buf) | _ -> Result.do_ ; (props, buf) <-- decode_prop_seq buf ; Result.ok (Scout.create mask props, buf)
with the new function encode_properties
The current implementation sends matches each time one happens. This is not optimal as it is sufficient to send a match to a publisher just once. Thus we should keep track for matched publications as opposed to just publications.
Complete properties Id declaration (See zenoh.mli/ml)
Replace the use of (read/write)byte_seq with (read|write)io_buf in marshaller.ml
Be consistent on return types, notice the for messages we are not returning the Message.t but for Declarations we are...
Properly use Lwt_log to create the right sections and levels
Use Fmt or similar library to provide a nice to_string for all messages