Aspose.Imaging Micro Applications supply high-level image processing scenarios useful for end-users.
Work over Aspose.Imaging .NET API.
Aspose.Imaging Image Merge Micro Application
Aspose.Imaging Image Convert Micro Application
Aspose.Imaging Image Resize Micro Application
-.NET7 on Windows, Linux, MacOs;
- Choosen by you Aspose.Imaging Micro application(s) installed.
Please issue the command :
dotnet tool install --global Aspose.Imaging.Image-Merge
If you've already installed the application - update supported via the command :
dotnet tool update --global Aspose.Imaging.Image-Merge --version 23.11.2
Use from command line:
Aspose.Imaging.Image-Merge --input photo_1.jpg+photo_2.jpg+photo_3.jpg+photo_4.jpg+photo_5.jpg+photo_6.jpg --output photo_collage_unlicensed.png --format png --adjustment Biggest --direction Vertical --background-color MediumSeaGreen --margin-size 3 --max-columns 2 --max-rows 3 --max-width 500
Use from code:
var options = new ImagingMergeOptions()
InputImages = "photo_1.jpg+photo_2.jpg+photo_3.jpg+photo_4.jpg+photo_5.jpg+photo_6.jpg".Split("+"),
ToFormat = "png",
BackgroundColor = "MediumSeaGreen",
Direction = MergeDirection.Vertical,
MarginSize = 3,
AdjustmentType = MergeAdjustmentTypes.Biggest,
OutputImagePath = "photo_collage_licensed.png",
MaxRows = 3,
MaxColumns = 2,
MaxWidth = 500
// You may set path to your Aspose.Imaging .NET license file via parameters
if (isLicensed)
options.LicenseFile = "Aspose.Total.Product.Family.lic";
await MergeTasks.Create(options).Execute();