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File metadata and controls

271 lines (244 loc) · 10.9 KB

The first step to interfacing with a Daikin Skyport thermostat is to login:

curl --location --request POST "" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"email": "<email>", "password": "<password>"}'

This uses the email and password registered with the DaikinOne+ Home app to connect and returns access and refresh tokens:


You can now verify your access token by running:

curl --location --request GET "" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <access token>"

Which returns:

{"id":"<some UUID-type string>","name":"<first> #<last>","email":"<email>"}

To refresh a token:

curl --location --request POST "" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"email": "<email>", "refreshToken": "<refresh token>"}'

Once you have an access token, you can connect and retrieve what locations are available to the account:

curl --location --request GET "" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <access token>"

which returns:

[{"id":"<UUID of location>","name":"<Location Name>","address":"<street address>","city":"<city>",
"province":"<state/province>","postalCode":"<zip code>",

And retrieve the devices:

curl --location --request GET "" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <access token>"

Which returns:

[{"id":"<UUID of the device>","locationId":"<UUID of location>","name":"<name of device>",

Once you know the device ID, you can use it to probe the device:

curl --location --request GET "<UUID of device>" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <access token>"

Which returns (truncated):


There are almost 900 elements when I probe my thermostat. Some abbreviations used when looking at the data:

ct = current value?
ht = heating temperature
sp = set point
csp = cooling set point
hsp = heating set point
sched = schedule
hum = humidity/humidifier
AH - Air Handler
IFC = Indoor Furnace

How times work: They decided to be weird with how times work. Basically every 1=15mins. So midnight (00:00) is 0, 00:15=1, 08:00=8x4=32, etc.

How percentages work: Percentage numbers range from 0-200. This provides a 0.5% increment. To get a proper percent, just divide the value by 2.

To set configuration:

curl --location --request PUT "<device UUID>" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <access token>"
--data '{"geofencingAway": "False", "schedEnabled": "False","schedOverride":0,"cspHome":24.4}'

Set a temperature hold:

"geofencingAway": Set whether geofencing is in away mode, true/false
"schedEnabled": Set if thermostat goes off schedule or manual set point, true=schedule, false=set point
"schedOverride": integer, when set to 1 while schedEnabled=true it sets a temporary hold
"cspHome": cooling set point, temperature in C, one decimal place
"hspHome": heating set point, temperature in C, one decimal place

Set the operating mode:

“mode”: 2 is cool, 3 is auto, 1 is heat, 0 is off, emergency heat is 4

Set screen brightness:

“displayBrightness”: 0-100, percentage

Night mode:

“nightModeEnabled”: Enable night mode, True/False
“nightModeLightBarAllowed”: true/false
“nightModeStart”: (see times)
“nightModeStop”: (see times)


"equipmentStatus": the running state of the system, 1=cooling, 2=overcool dehumidifying, 3=heating, 4=fan, 5=idle, 
“tempIndoor”: current indoor temperature, in C (thermostat measurement)
“humIndoor”: current indoor humidity, in % (thermostat measurement)
“tempOutdoor”: current outdoor temperature, in C (cloud-based)
“humOutdoor”: current outdoor humidity, in % (cloud-based)
"cspActive": current cooling set point, in C
"hspActive": current heating set point, in C
"cspSched": current cooling set point for the schedule, in C
"hspSched": current heating set point for the schedule, in C
"geofencingAway": current status of the geofencing, true/false
"fanCirculateActive": current status of fan circulation, true/false
"oneCleanFanActive": current status of One Clean Fan, true/false
“nightModeActive”: current status of night mode, True/False
“weatherTodayTempC”: forecast of the temps for today
“weatherTodayIcon”: tstorms, partlycloudy, (these are all I have right now)
“weatherTodayCond”: text description of conditions
“weatherTodayHum”: humidity forecast
“weatherDay[n]TempC”: forecast of the temps for days 1-5 (ex. weatherDay1TempC)
“weatherDay[n]Icon”: tstorms, partlycloudy, (these are all I have right now)
“weatherDay[n]Cond”: text description of conditions
“weatherDay[n]Hum”: humidity forecast
“ctAHFanCurrentDemandStatus”: is a % in 0.5% steps (eg. divide by 2 to get percent), current fan demand
“ctAHFanRequestedDemand”: looks like a %, the requested fan demand by thermostat
"ctOutdoorDeHumidificationRequestedDemand": looks like a %, requested dehumidification.  when this starts, cooling demand stops
"ctIFCFanRequestedDemandPercent": a % in 0.5% steps; the requested fan demand (responds to fan circulate switch being on, and fan turned on via thermostat)
"ctIFCHeatRequestedDemandPercent": a % in 0.5% steps; the requested furance demand
"ctIFCCoolRequestedDemandPercent": a % in 0.5% steps; the requested air conditioning demand
"ctIFCCurrentFanActualStatus": a % in 0.5% steps; the actual fan demand (responds to fan circulate switch being on, fan turned on via thermostat, and furnace running)
"ctIFCCurrentHeatActualStatus": a % in 0.5% steps; the actual furnace status
"ctIFCCurrentCoolActualStatus": a % in 0.5% steps; the actual air conditioner status
“ctAHCurrentIndoorAirflow”: maybe CFM?, current airflow
"aq[In/Out]doorAvailable": true if sensor is available (outdoor is internet info)
"aq[In/Out]doorLevel": assuming this is an enum, 1=acceptable, others TBD
"aqOutdoorOzone": ozone concentration in ppb
"aq[In/Out]doorParticles": particle concentration in ug/m3
"aq[In/Out]doorValue": AQI score
"aqIndoorParticlesLevel": TBD
"aqIndoorVOCLevel": TBD
"ctOutdoorAirTemperature": outdoor unit air temperature (measurement); needs to be divided by 10 and converted from Farenheit to Celcius. i.e., ((ctOutdoorAirTemperature / 10) - 32) * 5 / 9 
"ctOutdoorPower": outdoor unit power usage; multiply by 10 for Watts
"ctIndoorPower": indoor unit power usage; usage TBD
"ctIFCIndoorBlowerAirflow; furnace blower aiflow in CFM"
#Add CFM

[n]: Forecast day 1 through 5

There are plenty of other sensors, but those are probably the most relevant to most people.


“fanCirculate”: 0=off, 1=always on, 2=schedule, manual fan control
“fanCirculateDuration”: 0=entire schedule, 1=5mins, 2=15mins, 3=30mins, 4=45mins runs the fan for this amount of time every hour in schedule
"fanCirculateStart": start time of fan schedule (see time note)
"fanCirculateStop": end time of fan schedule (see time note)

OneClean (Air Quality) settings:

“oneCleanFanActive”: true/false runs the fan at high speed for 3 hours
"oneCleanFanSpeed": fan clean fan speed, integer, unknown (TBD)
"oneCleanFanDuration": duration of fan clean, integer, hours
"oneCleanParticleTrigger": particulate sensor threshold to run air cleaning, integer


"sched[DoW]Part[n]Label": text label
"sched[DoW]Part[n]Action": integer, currently unknown (TBD)
"sched[DoW]Part[n]Time": integer time (see time note)
"sched[DoW]Part[n]csp": cooling set point, temperature in C, one decimal place
"sched[DoW]Part[n]Enabled": enable or disable the schedule block, true/false
"sched[DoW]Part[n]hsp": heating set point, temperature in C, one decimal place
"schedOverrideDuration": how long the manual set point should last, in minutes
"schedEnabled": set if the schedule is enabled or manual set point, true/false

[DoW]: Day of week - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun [n]: Sequential number from 1 to 4 used to associate the parameters to the schedule block

Humidity Settings:

"humSP": humidity set point, percent
"dehumSP": dehumidification set point, percent

Away Settings:

"hspAway": heat set point while away, temperature in C, one decimal place
"cspAway": cooling set point while away, temperature in C, one decimal place
"geofencingEnabled": set if geofencing is enabled for away settings, true/false

Determining unit capabilities:

"ctOutdoorNoofCoolStages": number of cooling stages, integer
"ctOutdoorNoofHeatStages": number of heating stages, integer
"ctSystemCapEmergencyHeat": true if heating element is installed
"modeEmHeatAvailable":true if Emergency Heat mode is enabled,
"ctSystemCapCompressorHeat": true if heatpump?, else fallse
"ctSystemCapCool": true if A/C is available, else false
"ctSystemCapDehumidification": true if dehumidification is available, else false
"ctSystemCapElectricHeat": true if electric heating element is installed, else false
"ctSystemCapEmergencyHeat": true if electric element is installed along with heatpump or gas?
"ctSystemCapGasHeat": true if gas heat is available, else false
"ctSystemCapHeat": true if system provides any heat, else false
"ctSystemCapHumidification": true if system provides humidity control, else false
"ctSystemCapVentilation": true if system provides exterior ventilation, else false

TJCoffey has also been working on deciphering the Daikin API info and has some more updated information on thermostat parameters: