As a reminder the algorithm we decided to use for synchronization was:
- download all todos from the server, load all todos from the local database
- loop through all local todos
- if a todo has been deleted locally, delete it from the server
- if a todo isn't in the array of todos returned from the server, assume it's new and create it on the server
- loop through all the remote todos
- if a todo isn't in the array of todos loaded from the local database, assume it's been created by another client since the last synchronisation and create it locally.
function synchronize() {
return Promise.all([serverTodosGet(), databaseTodosGet()])
.then(function(results) {
var promises = [];
var remoteTodos = results[0];
var localTodos = results[1];
// Loop through local todos and if they haven't been
// posted to the server, post them.
promises = promises.concat( {
var deleteTodo = function() {
return databaseTodosDelete(todo);
// Has it been marked for deletion?
if (todo.deleted) {
return serverTodosDelete(todo).then(deleteTodo, function(res) {
if (err.message === "Gone") return deleteTodo();
// If this is a todo that doesn't exist on the server try to create
// it (if it fails because it's gone, delete it locally)
if (!arrayContainsTodo(remoteTodos, todo)) {
return serverTodosPost(todo)
.catch(function(err) {
if (err.message === "Gone") return deleteTodo(todo);
// Go through the todos that came down from the server,
// we don't already have one, add it to the local db
promises = promises.concat( {
if (!arrayContainsTodo(localTodos, todo)) {
return databaseTodosPut(todo);
return Promise.all(promises);
}, function(err) {
console.error(err, "Cannot connect to server");
function arrayContainsTodo(array, todo) {
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if(array[i]._id === todo._id) {
return true;
return false;