Flowcus bar is a pomodoro-like app. It shows a progress bar always on top of any window, so you get constant feedback of how much time left you have.
It can help with time blindness and time percepcion, you can set the timer to 5 minutes and watch the bar progressing, you'l realise that actually 5 minutes is a lot.
The goal is to help you focus and etner flow state, additionally has an option for screen capturing your senssions for self accoutability and helping with context switching, so you can check where did you left last time you worked and review what did you do.
You can download it from releases folder, or this link to the latest version. (see installing section below for more options).
- Set duration time.
- Customise color and finish sound.
- Capture video screen recording.
- mp4 files saved to ~/Movies
Pre built Mac OS app can be downloaded from releases ready to drop in your
folder. -
brew cask (comming soon)
I'd love to receive feedback and feature request, feel free to use issues or discussion tab.