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550 lines (253 loc) · 16.2 KB

File metadata and controls

550 lines (253 loc) · 16.2 KB
  • Allow up/down arrows to navigate suggest widget in normal mode: #319 Thanks @notiv-nt!
  • Update dependencies and clean up the test infrastructure somewhat.
  • Add a 2ms delay to selection change recalculations to try reduce cursor placement issues with o and other commands #308 #317
  • Add new when clause context amVim.waitingForInput #303
    • Allows for binding h, j, k and l to native cursor movement.
  • Small improvements to mode change behavior to avoid unexpected cursor placement.
  • Add :shell and :split commands #314
    • Improve :wq command to behave more consistently when save fails.
  • Wrapped line support: #305 #306
    • Implements g^, g0, g$, gm, gk and gj.
    • Known issues include a slight flicker and occasional unexpected cursor placement.
  • Improve replace command r and add basic replace mode R #287
    • r command now supports a count
    • This early version of R replace mode keeps amVim.mode set to INSERT to preserve backwards compatibility with existing custom key bindings.
    • Known issues with replace mode: paste from OS clipboard and VS Code autocomplete still inserts instead of replaces
  • Fix behavior of next match n by nudging the cursor #289
    • / command has been modified to put the cursor at the start of the match like vim when amVim.mimicVimSearchBehavior is true (default)
    • n command now nudges the cursor forward to find the next match - this now makes it work the same as vim
  • Temporarily remove g? ROT13 command since it broke gg motions in visual mode #292
  • Support remote development mode with workspace execution location: #283 Thanks @imyelo!
  • Yank to and paste from system clipboard with amVim.useSystemClipboard option: #260 Thanks @karlhorky!
  • Add gd and gD go to definition motion: #258
  • Package with webpack for faster startup: #270 Thanks @tejanium!
  • Added g ? (ROT13) for visual and visual block modes. #235
  • Added zt to put cursor at top of the screen. #245
  • Added {N} ~ for normal mode. #234
  • Added go to percent in file motion %. #227
  • Added tag TextObject. #247
  • Dependency upgrades
  • Added amVim.mimicVimSearchBehavior configuration. #224
  • Fixed command 'search.action.focusActiveEditor' not found when searching. Thanks @marek2901. #223
  • Focus back to text when pressing enter at find widget. #218
  • Fixed a bug when "editor.lineNumbers": "off" is not respected. Thanks @jackfranklin. #215
  • Added support for ; and ,. #209
  • Fixed cursor position after J. Thanks @wmaurer. #207
  • Added N x and N X supports. #206. Thanks to @wmaurer!
  • Supports {N} d {motion}. #200
  • Added smartRelativeLineNumbers setting. #201
  • Fixed issue when :wq may empty file content.
  • Supports a few : commands #199. Thanks @Molunerfinn.
  • Supports Y in Visual and VisualLine modes #196.
  • Added Go To Line command #192.
  • Added Vim style navigation in sidebar #193.
  • Fixed a bug where switching tabs sometimes doesn't preserve the line the cursor was at #176 .
  • Added support for N { and N }.
  • Added support for: Ndd, dNd, Nyy, yNy, Np, NP.
  • Other N support for commands are coming soon.
  • Fixed wrong behavior with %.
  • More accurate motion handling in Visual mode.
  • Fix ~ to work with special characters. Thanks @mtsk #170.
  • Added u and U support in Visual and VisualLIne modes. Thanks @mtsk. #169
  • Update dependencies to VSCode 1.8.0 and TypeScript 2.1.0.
  • Workarounded wrong cursor style when switching editor. #161
  • Added repeat support of deletion and autocomplete in Insert mode.
  • Added configuration to start in Insert mode when opening files. Thanks @welkang. #159
  • Workaround native API's bug where insertSpace and tabSize may be undefined.
  • Exit Visual/VisualLine mode after indent, outdent or replace. #108
  • Added support to repeat Visual and VisualLine mode's command (Alpha status). #157
  • Fix cursor position when exiting insert mode. #155 #154
  • Better escape handling. #156 #147
  • Fix wrong behavior when using inclusive TextObject.
  • Corrects register handling. #152
  • Fix selection bugs after deletion on VSCode Insider.
  • Update internal command for formatting.
  • Added N support for word motions. #146
  • Fix bug where multi-cursor may function weird.
  • Added support for Japanese words. #143
  • Update to TypeScript 2.0.3. #138
  • Added p support in Visual and VisualLine modes. #142
  • Add folding support. Thanks @rebornix #141.
  • Added support for N space and N backspace motions.
  • Added support for {N} _.
  • Added support for ~ and {visual} ~.
  • Preserve multiple cursors when changing to normal mode from insert mode. #132
  • Fix wrong behavior when modifying last line of document. #71
  • Fix wrong cursor position when doing o in Insert mode.
  • Fix when selection will miss one character when doing k or j in Visual mode.
  • Fix when cursor may occur at end of line in Normal mode.
  • Fix where undo/redo will revert selections that blocks further undo/redo.
  • Fix wrong behavior when deleting word at end of line.
  • Added support for = {motion}, = = in Normal mode, = in Visual and VisualLine modes.
  • Workaround where . may blocks further inputs.
  • Fix unstable movement between tab indented lines.
  • Add support for text object in Visual mode. Thanks @ionutvmi #120 #121 .
  • Add word text object(iw, aw, iW, aW) support. Thanks @DanEEStar #94 #119 .
  • escape should work as except when find widget is visible.
  • Fix a bug when commands is sent at a realy fast speed. Thanks @DanEEStar #89 .
  • Fix a bug where escape's default behavior won't work.
  • Fix a bug where cursor doesn't switch to block mode sometime.
  • Fix Non-English input bug. Thanks @liukun #111 .
  • Fix block cursor bug which causes mode switching not working sometime #106 .
  • Add Ctrl+[ support. Thanks @shamrin #102 .
  • Use native block cursor for Normal mode. Thanks @aminroosta #103 .
  • Add bindCtrlCommands setting to control all ctrl+<key> keybindings.
  • Remove bindCtrlC setting.
  • Remove selections validation on change.
  • Minor fix around selections validation.
  • Support % motion. (Thanks, @DanEEStar)
  • Correct we behavior.
  • Validate cursor position when exiting insert mode. #87
  • Cursor should not on "line break".
  • All line end involved actions should work now.
  • Respect user settings of word separators.
  • w will now move across lines.
  • Support arrow keys navigation.
  • Handle escaped characters in quoted text object.
  • Support W, E, B motions.
  • Fix broken $ motion.
  • Fix wrong behavior on last line. (#71)
  • Supports basic text object commands.
  • Fix bug yanking last line.
  • Fix duplicated inputs on repeat.
  • Added support for . (repeat) in Normal mode.
  • Update VSCode dependence to 1.0.0.
  • Fix n, N, *, # behavior.
  • Added support for Ctrl+F and Ctrl+B.
  • Make use of new APIs from VSCode 0.10.12 to solve all problems related to intellisense, keyboard layouts, etc. See #50.
  • Add keyboard layout support. (See README)
  • Fix behavior on cw.
  • Added support for zz and z..
  • Obey editor.quickSuggestions setting.
  • Fix behaviour of C in Visual mode.
  • Fix wrong keybindings of indent/outdent in visual mode. #32
  • Support for s and S in visual mode/visual line mode. #31
  • Update VSCode min-version to 0.10.8 and dependencies with it.
  • Fix y in VisualLine mode missing line-break bug.
  • Fix #18: dd on last line doesn't work.
  • Added support for N gg and N G.
  • Bind / to focus find widget.
  • Esc now hides suggestion and exit to Normal mode.
  • Add extension configuration. (See README)
  • Bind ctrl+c if amVim.bindCtrlC is true.
  • Minor fixes.
  • Update mode and prefered character on active text editor changed.
  • Count tab as tabSize in motions.
  • Preserve character position when move cursor without horizontal motion.
  • Only trigger suggestion widget on some characters.
  • Shrink to primary cursor when press Esc in Normal mode.
  • Work arounds horizontally navigating does not horizontal scroll bug.
  • Support multi-line deletion in Insert mode.
  • Prevent yank deletion in Insert mode.
  • Minor fixes.
  • Yank deleted text to register.
  • Minor fixes.
  • Fixed replace behaviour on empty line.
  • Fixed wrong behaviour on line ends.
  • << and >> in Visual and VisualLine modes.
  • Add support for r{char}
  • Minor bug fixes
  • Better cursor style.

Initial release.