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Suma Install Instructions


These requirements as based on our local testing. Earlier versions may also work:

  • MySQL recommended version 5.1
  • Apache recommended version 2.2
  • PHP required version of at least 5.3.3 (including cURL and the ability to load Phar files)
  • Zend Framework 1.12 - required for Suma server, included with Suma code
  • Various Javascript Libraries - all included with Suma code

Additional Client Requirements:

  • Device or computer with WebKit browser (e.g. iOS and Android browsers, Google Chrome, Safari on Mac OS) needed to use Suma client. NOTE: Suma does not work in Safari for Windows.

Zend Framework Installation (optional)

Zend Framework is now bundled with Suma and requires no additional action. If you would prefer to use your own version of Zend, follow the instructions below.

Download link:

Installation instructions url:

Or do the following:

  1. Expand download in chosen server location
  2. Note path to framework library directory location
  3. Modify your php.ini's include_path to add path to Zend framework library directory

Suma Software Installation (file copying)

Download code: Either clone the repository or download a zip of the code. GitHub provides instructions on the repository page.

Note path to suma download directory. We will refer to this as SUMA_DOWNLOAD_DIR

For Suma Client Installation:

  • Copy contents of /SUMA_DOWNLOAD_DIR/web to /YOUR_WEB_DIR/suma/web

  • Copy contents of /SUMA_DOWNLOAD_DIR/analysis to /YOUR_WEB_DIR/suma/analysis

For Suma Server Installation:

  • Copy contents of /SUMA_DOWNLOAD_DIR/service to a location outside your web directory. For example, if your web directory is /var/www/htdocs you could copy the contents of the /SUMA_DOWNLOAD_DIR/service to /var/www/app/sumaserver.

    Note this location, we will refer to it later as SUMA_SERVER_INSTALL_DIR

  • Copy contents of /SUMA_DOWNLOAD_DIR/service/web to /YOUR_WEB_DIR/sumaserver

Suma Software Installation (symbolic links, RECOMMENDED)

If your Apache configuration has the FollowSymLinks directive enabled, there is a simpler way to deploy Suma that also improves the update process.

  • Clone the GitHub repository to a directory outside of your web space (e.g. /var/www/app/suma)

  • Create the following symbolic links from your web space to the local suma repository (these instructions make several assumptions about paths and directory names--please change as needed, noting the configuration directions later in this document):

      /var/www/htdocs/sumaserver/      =>  /var/www/app/suma/service/web/
      /var/www/htdocs/suma/client/        =>  /var/www/app/suma/web/
      /var/www/htdocs/suma/analysis/   =>  /var/www/app/suma/analysis/

Now all of your code is in one place, allowing you to update Suma by running git pull --rebase origin master. There is a chance this could result in merge conflicts with your local changes, so please allow for time to resolve these before updating.

Apache Configuration

You can configure your apache web server two ways using apache's configuration rewrite engine or using a .htaccess file

Apache rewrite If using Apache's rewrite module add these lines in your web server (likely httpd.conf) configuration file

<Directory "/YOUR_WEB_DIR/sumaserver">
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -s [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule ^.*$ - [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^.*$ index.php [NC,L]

Don't forget to change YOUR_WEB_DIR to the directory in your web space that contains the service/web/ content Restart apache after adding these lines for configuration to apply.

.htaccess If using a .htaccess place the file in the /YOUR_WEB_DIR/sumaserver directory and add these lines

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -s [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule ^.*$ - [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^.*$ index.php [NC,L]

An example .htaccess file named can be found at /YOUR_WEB_DIR/sumaserver/htaccess_example. To use, copy the contents of this file to a new file named /YOUR_WEB_DIR/sumaserver/.htaccess.

Database Setup

It is recommended you create two databases for Suma. One for production and one for testing. The database instructions are the same for both except for changing the database name.

Create database in MySQL using whatever tool you have available.

Create two Suma accounts:

  1. One administrative account with SELECT, INSERT, CREATE, DROP, DELETE, UPDATE, INDEX, and ALTER permissions. This account is for initializing and modifying the database. Do not include this account in your Suma configuration.
  2. One application account with SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and INDEX permissions.

Now you have to run a database initialization script included in the suma download.

  1. Find the file schema.sql in /SUMA_DOWNLOAD_LOCATION/service/config.

  2. Run that script to initialize database, create suma tables, and establish foreign key constraints.

    To run it you can use the command line MySQL tools, phpmyadmin, or any other database management tool you like. This should be imported using the Suma administration MySQL account.

Optional, but recommended: If you wish to initialize the database with preloaded sample data so you can play around with Suma more quickly, then run the schema_w_sample.sql script instead of schema.sql.

Suma Server Software Configuration

  • web/config.yaml

    In the /SUMA_SERVER_INSTALL_DIR/web/config/ directory, copy config_example.yaml to a new file config.yaml. You must set some path variables in the config.yaml file for the Suma server to function correctly.

    SUMA_SERVER_PATH must be set to the SUMA_SERVER_INSTALL_DIR where the Suma server was installed earlier in these instructions (e.g. /var/www/app/sumaserver).

    SUMA_CONTROLLER_PATH must be set to SUMA_SERVER_INSTALL_DIR/controllers (e.g. /var/www/app/sumaserver/controllers).

    SUMA_BASE_URL must be set to the URL path for the Suma server. For example, if the URL is http://YOUR_HOST/sumaserver, set this to /sumaserver.

    SUMA_DEBUG can be set to true if you would like to see more verbose error messages. This should generally be set to false.

  • config.yaml

    In the SUMA_SERVER_INSTALL_DIR/config/ directory, copy config_example.yaml to a new file config.yaml. You must modify the following:

                  host:   host location of your mysql database
                  dbname: suma mysql database name
                  user:   suma mysql **application** account name
                  pword:  suma mysql **application** account password
                  port:   mysql port number
                  path: path to log directory
                  name: sumaserver.log
    • Be sure that the log directory specified in sumaserver:log:path both exists and is writable by the web server.

Suma Client Configuration

  • spaceassessConfig.js

    In the YOUR_WEB_DIR/suma/web/config/ directory, copy spaceassessConfig_example.js to a new file spaceassessConfig.js. If the Suma server URL is anything other than http://YOUR_HOST/sumaserver, you will need to change the paths at the top of YOUR_WEB_DIR/suma/web/config/spaceassessConfig.js.

Suma Analysis Tools Configuration

  • analysis/config/config.yaml

    In the YOUR_WEB_DIR/suma/analysis/config/ directory, copy config_example.yaml to a new file config.yaml. Change baseUrl to the URL for your Suma Query Server. If you used a directory other than sumaserver in the "Suma Software Installation" section above, that should be reflected in this URL.

  • You can view the Suma analysis tools by visting http://YOUR_SERVER/suma/analysis/reports.

  • To configure the nightly summary report:

    In the YOUR_WEB_DIR/suma/analysis/config/config.yaml file, edit the timezone, displayFormat, recipients, and errorRecipients as needed. See for information on timezone formats.

    Using cron, or some other scheduler, schedule a task to run the YOUR_WEB_DIR/suma/analysis/reports/nightly/nightlyEmail.php script as desired.

    Alternatively, YOUR_WEB_DIR/suma/analysis/reports/nightly/nightly.php may be run from the command line for quick reporting through stdout.

Other Things You Can Configure

  • The configuration protocol allows for development/testing settings that can override the production settings. To switch from using production settings to dev/testing settings, on the line in /SUMA_SERVER_INSTALL_DIR/config/Globals.php

    self::$_config = new Zend_Config_Yaml($yamlFile, 'production');

you must change 'production' to 'development'.

  • If you're getting generic error messages from the suma server you can change the SUMA_DEBUG setting in /YOUR_WEB_DIR/sumaserver/config/config.yaml to true to generate more descriptive error messages.

    Be sure to change this setting back before you use Suma in production

How to create your first initiative

  1. Log in to the administrative console (see below)
  2. Create and populate a location tree by clicking on the "Edit locations" link
  3. Create and populate an initiative by clicking on the "Edit initiatives" link (don't forget also to enable the initiative using this tool)
  4. Collect some data using the Suma client (http://YOUR_SERVER/suma/web) with a WebKit-based browser (e.g. Chrome, Safari, or iOS and Android browsers)
  5. View your session log in the "Sessions list" page linked from the administrative console
  6. Analyze your data using the analysis tools (http://YOUR_SERVER/suma/analysis/reports)

Overview of administrative tools

To view the admin tools, visit the page at http://YOUR_SERVER/sumaserver/admin/. The username and password for these tools is set in config.yaml.

  • Location editor

    The location editor allows you to create location trees, create and arrange the location hierarchy and update titles and descriptions.

  • Initiative editor

    The initiative editor allows you to create initiatives and activities, change titles and descriptions, and modify the order in which activities are displayed.

  • Sessions list

    The sessions list is a human-readable session log.

  • Direct JSON import

    This direct JSON import tool will allow you to paste JSON data into a web form and import it into Suma. Useful for recovery from log data.