- JAVA 8 - Spring boot
- JUnit 5 - Mockito
- base de données H2
Cette REST API fournit 3 services:
In order to save money
As a bank client
I want to make a deposit in my account
- @POST : http://localhost:8080/customers/3/accounts/6/deposit
- exemple du body :
"amount" : 54
In order to retrieve some or all of my savings
As a bank client
I want to make a withdrawal from my account
- @POST : http://localhost:8080/customers/3/accounts/6/withdrawal
- exemple du body :
"amount" : 20.3
In order to check my operations
As a bank client
I want to see the history (operation, date, amount, balance) of my operations
- http://localhost:8080/customers/{customerId}/accounts/{accountId}/history
- exemple http://localhost:8080/customers/1/accounts/4/history
En lancant l'application , 3 clients et 4 comptes sont crées.
liste des custumer Customer[id=1, firstName='jean', lastName='pierre'] Customer[id=2, firstName='adam', lastName='benjbara'] Customer[id=3, firstName='celine', lastName='barreau'] liste des compte Account[id=4, solde='256,500000'] Account[id=5, solde='1000,500000'] Account[id=6, solde='0,000000'] Account[id=7, solde='79999,600000']
- Le client id 1 possède le compte id 4
- Le client id 2 possède le compte id 5
- Le client id 3 possède le compte id 6 et 7
mvn spring-boot:run
mvn clean package