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Component api

This section describes all the codelets part of this driver.

For each component, the incoming and outgoing message channels and the corresponding message types are listed. Additionally, all parameters with their names and types and corresponding default values are explained.


The UniversalRobots codelet handles the interface between an Isaac application and the main driver. It is publishing actual robot and IO state and receiving IO and arm commands.

Incoming messages

  • arm_command [CompositeProto]: Receives command for arm, parsed based on control mode.

  • io_command [CompositeProto]: Receives IO command, to set any of the robot's IOs.

  • stop_control [BooleanProto]: Stop control of the robot through Isaac. The boolean flag needs to be true, to stop control of the robot through Isaac. This will make the "External Control" program node on the UR-Program return.

  • resend_control_script [BooleanProto]: Receives a signal to send the URScript program to the robot for execution, when the robot is in headless mode. The boolean flag needs to be true, to send the script. Use this after the program has been interrupted, e.g. by a protective- or EM-stop.

  • set_speed_slider [SpeedSliderProto]: Set the speed slider fraction used by the robot's execution. Values should be between 0 and 1. Only set this smaller than 1 if you are using the ur_controller or you know what you're doing. Using this with other controllers might lead to unexpected behaviors.

Outgoing messages

  • arm_state [CompositeProto]: Current state of the arm, includes joint angles, joint speeds and current speed fraction.

  • io_state [CompositeProto]: Current IO, includes digital inputs and outputs.

  • robot_program_running [BooleanProto]: Whenever the runtime state of the "External Control" program node in the UR-program changes a message gets published. So this is equivalent to the information whether the robot accepts commands from Isaac side.

  • trajectory [CompositeProto]: Publish a trajectory to the controller to make sure the robots stays in the same position. The trajectory is published everytime "External Control" program node starts running. This is used to make sure that the newest trajectory, is based upon the robots current position when Isaac starts controlling the robot.


  • kinematic_tree [std::string] [default=]: Name of the node containing the map:KinematicTree component. This is used to obtain the names of the joints for parsing/creating composite message.

  • controller [std::string] [default=]: Name of the node containing the controller component. This node is started and stopped based upon the drivers control status of the robot.

  • dashboard_client [std::string] [default=]: Name of the node containing the DashboardClientIsaac component This is used to start the node and set the ip address. Nothing will happen if this parameter is kept empty.

  • control_mode [ArmControlMode] [default = kJointPosition]: Set control mode for arm. Use "joint position" or "joint speed" to specify wheter the control mode should be joint positions or joint speeds.

  • misc_names [std::vector<std::string>] [default = std::vector<std::string>({ "timestamp", "speed_fraction" })]: Name of speed_fraction and timestamp used for creating composite message.

  • tool_digital_out_names [std::vector<std::string>] [default = std::vector<std::string>({ "tool_digital_out_0", "tool_digital_out_1" })]: Entity name for digital tool output.

  • tool_digital_in_names [std::vector<std::string>] [default = std::vector<std::string>({ "tool_digital_in_0", "tool_digital_in_1" })]: Entity name for digital tool input.

Driver settings

These are parameters parsed forward to the UrDriver object, which is created, during startup of this codelet.

  • robot_ip [std::string] [default=]: Ip address of the robot.

  • control_script_program [std::string] [default = "packages/universal_robots/ur_robot_driver/resources/ros_control.urscript"]: URScript file that is sent to the robot.

  • rtde_input_recipe [std::string] [default = "packages/universal_robots/ur_robot_driver/resources/rtde_input_recipe.txt"]: Filename where the input recipe is stored in.

  • rtde_output_recipe [std::string] [default = ""packages/universal_robots/ur_robot_driver/resources/rtde_output_recipe.txt"]: Filename where the output recipe is stored in.

  • headless_mode [bool] [default = false]: Parameter to control if the driver should be started in headless mode.

  • servoj_gain [double] [default = 2000]: Specify gain for servoing to position in joint space. A higher gain can sharpen the trajectory.

  • servoj_lookahead_time [double] [default = 0.03]: Specify lookahead time for servoing to position in joint space. A longer lookahead time can smooth the trajectory.


The dashboardClientIsaac class is the interface between the dashboardserver and an Isaac application. Almost all the dashboard commands can be sent through this codelet to the dashboardserver and this codelet, will return the anwser to the application.

If you use this codelet together with the UniversalRobots codelet, the node containing this codelet can be started through the UniversalRobots codelet, this is done so you only have to set the robots ip once. See this subgraph for inspiration.

Incoming messages

  • dashboard_command [DashboardCommandProto]: Receiving the dashboard command, which is forwarded to the dashboard server.

Outgoing messages


  • robot_ip [std::string] [default=]: The ip address of the robot.


The ScaledMultiJointController class receives a trajectory and calculates the actual joint command to publish each iteration. It slows down trajectory execution according to the actual speedscaling of the robot.

Incoming messages

  • current_arm_state [CompositeProto]: Receives current state of the robot arm, this also includes the actual speedscaling.

  • plan [CompositeProto]: Receives a plan that contains a trajectory for each joint. If linear interpolation is configured the trajectory must contain joint position. If cubic interpolation is configured the trajectory must contain joint position and joint speeds. If quintic interpolation is configured the trajectory must contain joint positions, joint speeds and joint accelerations.

Outgoing messages

  • joint_command [CompositeProto]: Publishes the actual joint command as joint position or joint speeds based upon control_mode.

  • trajectory_executed_succesfully [BooleanProto]: Publishes the status after a trajectory has been executed. The flag will be true if the joints are within the tolerance after trajectory execution and false otherwise.


  • kinematic_tree [std::string] [default=]: Name of the node containing the map:KinematicTree component. This is used to obtain the names of the joints for parsing/creating composite message.

  • interpolation_scheme [InterpolationScheme] [default=quintic_interpolation]: Set the interpolation scheme used to calculate joint commands and parse joint trajectory.

  • control_mode [ArmControlMode] [default=kJointPosition]: Set the control mode. Use "joint position" or "joint speed" to specify wheter the control mode should be joint positions or joint speeds.

  • goal_time [double] [default = 0.0]: Time after the last waypoint in the trajectory is published and until the joints should be within the tolerance.

  • tolerance [double] [default = 0.0]: Tolerance for arrival. The trajectory is completed when the error for all joints are below this tolerance after the last waypoint in the trajectory is published. If the tolerance is 0.0, no check will be made.

  • gains [nlohmann::json] [default=(nlohmann::json{{"gains", {}}})]: PID gains for each joint, when control mode is kJointSpeed.


ControllerStopper class is a small helper component that stops and restarts the controller based on a boolean message. When the message goes to false, the controller is stopped. If message returns to true the stopped controller is restarted. This component is automatically started inside the driver.

Incoming messages

  • robot_program_running [BooleanProto]: Receives the robots running state.


  • controller [std::string] [default=]: Name of the node containing the controller node that is sending targets to the driver. This node is started and stopped based upon the drivers control status of the robot.