There are three types of arguments that a Ruby method can receive. Positional arguments, keyword arguments, and a block argument.
A method that deals with all three might be defined like this:
def forwarding_method(*args, **kwargs, &block)
# implementation
Now lets say we have some concrete method that we want to forward these arguments to:
def concrete_method(*args, **kwargs)
x = args.first || 1
key, y = kwargs.first || [:a, 2]
puts "Dealing with #{x} and key #{key}: #{y}"
yield(x, y)
We could forward arguments the longhand way like this:
def forwarding_method(*args, **kwargs, &block)
concrete_method(*args, **kwargs, &block)
However, since Ruby 2.7 we have access to a shorthand "triple-dot" syntax for forwarding all arguments.
def forwarding_method(...)