diff --git a/NPHSegmentationPipeline/Dockerfile b/NPHSegmentationPipeline/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54c4a87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NPHSegmentationPipeline/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+FROM fsl_flirt:v1.0.3
+ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
+# ===================Module Dependencies============================
+RUN pip3 install nibabel numpy onnx onnxruntime scikit-image scipy
+# ===================Copy Source Code===============================
+RUN mkdir /module
+WORKDIR /module
+COPY src /module/src
+######################## Append From Here Down #####################
+# ===============bqapi for python3 Dependencies=====================
+# pip install in this exact order
+RUN pip3 install six
+RUN pip3 install lxml
+RUN pip3 install requests==2.18.4
+RUN pip3 install requests-toolbelt
+RUN pip3 install tables
+# =====================Build Directory Structure====================
+COPY PythonScriptWrapper.py /module/
+COPY bqapi/ /module/bqapi
+# Replace the following line with your {ModuleName}.xml
+COPY NPHSegmentationPipeline.xml /module/NPHSegmentationPipeline.xml
+ENV PATH /module:$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
diff --git a/NPHSegmentationPipeline/NPHSegmentationPipeline.xml b/NPHSegmentationPipeline/NPHSegmentationPipeline.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e444703
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NPHSegmentationPipeline/NPHSegmentationPipeline.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
diff --git a/NPHSegmentationPipeline/PythonScriptWrapper.py b/NPHSegmentationPipeline/PythonScriptWrapper.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22ba856
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NPHSegmentationPipeline/PythonScriptWrapper.py
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+import sys
+from lxml import etree
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+import optparse
+import logging
+import os
+logging.basicConfig(filename='PythonScript.log', filemode='a', level=logging.DEBUG)
+log = logging.getLogger('bq.modules')
+# from bqapi.comm import BQCommError
+from bqapi.comm import BQSession
+from bqapi.util import fetch_blob
+# standardized naming convention for running modules.
+from src.BQ_run_module import run_module
+class ScriptError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, message):
+ self.message = "Script error: %s" % message
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.message
+class PythonScriptWrapper(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ for file in os.listdir(): # Might change it to read parameters from .JSON or from modulePath variable
+ if file.endswith(".xml"):
+ # Get xml file name as module name
+ if hasattr(self, 'module_name'):
+ raise ScriptError('More than 1 .xml file present in directory, make appropiate changes and rebuild image')
+ else:
+ self.module_name = file[:-4]
+ tree = ET.parse(self.module_name+'.xml') # Load module xml as tree
+ self.root = tree.getroot() # Get root node of tree
+ def upload_results(self, bq):
+ """
+ Reads output specs from xml and uploads results to Bisque using correct service
+ """
+ output_resources = []
+ non_image_value = {}
+ non_image_present = False
+ # Get outputs tag and its nonimage child tag
+ outputs_tag = self.root.find("./*[@name='outputs']")
+ print(outputs_tag)
+ nonimage_tag = outputs_tag.find("./*[@name='NonImage']")
+ print(nonimage_tag.tag, nonimage_tag.attrib)
+ # Upload each resource with the corresponding service
+ for resource in (nonimage_tag.findall(".//*[@type]") + outputs_tag.findall("./*[@type='image']")):
+ print(resource.tag, resource.attrib)
+ print("NonImage type output with name %s" % resource.attrib['name'])
+ resource_name = resource.attrib['name']
+ resource_type = resource.attrib['type']
+ resource_path = self.output_data_path_dict[resource_name]
+ # log.info(f"***** Uploading output {resource_type} '{resource_name}' from {resource_path} ...")
+ log.info("***** Uploading output %s '%s' from %s ..." % (resource_type, resource_name, resource_path))
+ # Upload output resource to Bisque and get resource etree.Element
+ output_etree_Element = self.upload_service(bq, resource_path, data_type=resource_type)
+ # log.info(f"***** Uploaded output {resource_type} '{resource_name}' to {output_etree_Element.get('value')}")
+ log.info("***** Uploaded output %s '%s' to %s" % (resource_type, resource_name, output_etree_Element.get('value')))
+ # Set the value attribute of the each resource's tag to its corresponding resource uri
+ resource.set('value', output_etree_Element.get('value'))
+ # Append image outputs to output resources list
+ if resource in outputs_tag.findall("./*[@type='image']"):
+ output_resource_xml = ET.tostring(resource).decode('utf-8')
+ output_resources.append(output_resource_xml)
+ else:
+ non_image_present = True
+ non_image_value[resource_name] = output_etree_Element.get('value')
+ # Append all nonimage outputs to NonImage tag and append it to output resource list
+ if non_image_present:
+ template_tag = nonimage_tag.find("./template")
+ nonimage_tag.remove(template_tag)
+ for resource in non_image_value:
+ # ET.SubElement(nonimage_tag, 'tag', attrib={'name' : f"{resource}", 'type': 'resource', 'value': f"{non_image_value[resource]}"})
+ ET.SubElement(nonimage_tag, 'tag', attrib={'name' : "%s" % resource, 'type': 'resource', 'value': "%s" % non_image_value[resource]})
+ output_resource_xml = ET.tostring(nonimage_tag).decode('utf-8')
+ output_resources.append(output_resource_xml)
+ # log.debug(f"***** Output Resources xml : output_resources = {output_resources}")
+ log.debug("***** Output Resources xml : output_resources = %s" % output_resources)
+ # ['\n \n \n \n \n ']
+ return output_resources
+ def fetch_input_resources(self, bq, inputs_dir_path): #TODO Not hardcoded resource_url
+ """
+ Reads input resources from xml, fetches them from Bisque, and copies them to module container for inference
+ """
+ log.info('***** Options: %s' % (self.options))
+ input_bq_objs = []
+ input_path_dict = {} # Dictionary that contains the paths of the input resources
+ inputs_tag = self.root.find("./*[@name='inputs']")
+# print(inputs_tag)
+ for input_resource in inputs_tag.findall("./*[@type='resource']"):
+ # for child in node.iter():
+ print(input_resource.tag, input_resource.attrib)
+ input_name = input_resource.attrib['name']
+ # log.info(f"***** Processing resource named: {input_name}")
+ log.info("***** Processing resource named: %s" % input_name)
+ resource_obj = bq.load(getattr(self.options, input_name))
+ """
+ bq.load returns bqapi.bqclass.BQImage object. Ex:
+ resource_obj: (image:name=whale.jpeg,value=file://admin/2022-02-25/whale.jpeg,type=None,uri=,ts=2022-02-25T17:05:13.289578,resource_uniq=00-pkGCYS4SPCtQVcdZUUj4sX)
+ resource_obj: (resource:name=yolov5s.pt,type=None,uri=,ts=2022-02-26T01:08:26.198330,resource_uniq=00-D9e6xVPhU93JtZjZZtwkLm) (PythonScriptWrapper.py:137)
+ resource_obj: (resource:name=test.npy,type=None,uri=,ts=2022-02-26T01:17:12.312780,resource_uniq=00-EC53Rcbj8do86aXpea2cgW) (PythonScriptWrapper.py:137)
+ """
+ input_bq_objs.append(resource_obj)
+ # log.info(f"***** resource_obj: {resource_obj}")
+ log.info("***** resource_obj: %s" % resource_obj)
+ # log.info(f"***** resource_obj.uri: {resource_obj.uri}")
+ log.info("***** resource_obj.uri: %s" % resource_obj.uri)
+ # log.info(f"***** type(resource_obj): {type(resource_obj)}")
+ log.info("***** type(resource_obj): %s" % type(resource_obj))
+ # Append uri to dictionary of input paths
+ input_path_dict[input_name] = os.path.join(inputs_dir_path, resource_obj.name)
+ # Saves resource to module container at specified dest path
+ # fetch_blob_output = fetch_blob(bq, resource_obj.uri, dest=input_path_dict[input_name])
+ image = bq.load(resource_obj.uri)
+ # name = image.name or next_name("blob")
+ name = image.name
+ predictor_url = bq.service_url('blob_service', path = image.resource_uniq)
+ log.info("predictor_URL: %s" % (predictor_url))
+ # predictor_path = os.path.join(kw.get('stagingPath', 'source/Scans'), self.getstrtime()+'-'+image.name + '.nii')
+ input_path_dict[input_name] = input_path_dict[input_name].replace(".nii.gz", ".nii")
+ predictor_path = bq.fetchblob(predictor_url, path=input_path_dict[input_name])
+ log.info("predictor_path: %s" % (predictor_path))
+ # log.info(f"***** fetch_blob_output: {fetch_blob_output}")
+ # log.info("***** fetch_blob_output: %s" % fetch_blob_output)
+ # log.info(f"***** Input path dictionary : {input_path_dict}")
+ log.info("***** Input path dictionary : %s" % input_path_dict)
+ return input_path_dict
+ def run(self):
+ """
+ Run Python script
+ """
+ bq = self.bqSession
+ log.info('***** self.options: %s' % (self.options))
+ # Use current directory to store input and output data for now, if changed, might have to look at teardown funct too
+ inputs_dir_path = os.getcwd()
+ outputs_dir_path = os.getcwd()
+ # Fetch input resources
+ try:
+ bq.update_mex('Fetching inputs specified in xml')
+ input_path_dict = self.fetch_input_resources(bq, inputs_dir_path)
+ except (Exception, ScriptError) as e:
+ log.exception("***** Exception while fetching inputs specified in xml")
+ bq.fail_mex(msg="Exception while fetching inputs specified in xml: %s" % str(e))
+ return
+ # Run module from BQ_run_module and get get a dictionary that contains the paths to the module results
+ try:
+ bq.update_mex('Running module')
+ self.output_data_path_dict = run_module(input_path_dict, outputs_dir_path)
+ except (Exception, ScriptError) as e:
+ log.exception("***** Exception while running module from BQ_run_module")
+ bq.fail_mex(msg="Exception while running module from BQ_run_module: %s" % str(e))
+ return
+ # Upload results to Bisque
+ try:
+ bq.update_mex('Uploading results to Bisque')
+ self.output_resources = self.upload_results(bq)
+ except (Exception, ScriptError) as e:
+ log.exception("***** Exception while uploading results to Bisque")
+ bq.fail_mex(msg="Exception while uploading results to Bisque: %s" % str(e))
+ return
+ def setup(self):
+ """
+ Pre-run initialization
+ """
+ self.bqSession.update_mex('Initializing...')
+ self.mex_parameter_parser(self.bqSession.mex.xmltree)
+ self.output_resources = []
+ def tear_down(self): # NEED TO GENERALIZE
+ """
+ Post the results to the mex xml
+ """
+ self.bqSession.update_mex('Returning results')
+ outputTag = etree.Element('tag', name='outputs')
+ for r_xml in self.output_resources:
+ if isinstance(r_xml, str):
+ r_xml = etree.fromstring(r_xml)
+ res_type = r_xml.get('type', None) or r_xml.get(
+ 'resource_type', None) or r_xml.tag
+ # append reference to output
+ if res_type in ['table', 'image']:
+ outputTag.append(r_xml)
+ # etree.SubElement(outputTag, 'tag', name='output_table' if res_type=='table' else 'output_image', type=res_type, value=r_xml.get('uri',''))
+ else:
+ outputTag.append(r_xml)
+ # etree.SubElement(outputTag, r_xml.tag, name=r_xml.get('name', '_'), type=r_xml.get('type', 'string'), value=r_xml.get('value', ''))
+ log.debug('Output Mex results: %s' %
+ (etree.tostring(outputTag, pretty_print=True)))
+ self.bqSession.finish_mex(tags=[outputTag])
+ def mex_parameter_parser(self, mex_xml):
+ """
+ Parses input of the xml and add it to options attribute (unless already set)
+ @param: mex_xml
+ """
+ # inputs are all non-"script_params" under "inputs" and all params under "script_params"
+ mex_inputs = mex_xml.xpath(
+ 'tag[@name="inputs"]/tag[@name!="script_params"] | tag[@name="inputs"]/tag[@name="script_params"]/tag')
+ if mex_inputs:
+ for tag in mex_inputs:
+ if tag.tag == 'tag' and tag.get('type', '') != 'system-input': # skip system input values
+ if not getattr(self.options, tag.get('name', ''), None):
+ log.debug('Set options with %s as %s' % (tag.get('name', ''), tag.get('value', '')))
+ setattr(self.options, tag.get('name', ''), tag.get('value', ''))
+ else:
+ log.debug('No Inputs Found on MEX!')
+ def upload_service(self, bq, filename, data_type='image'):
+ """
+ Upload resource to specific service upon post process
+ """
+ mex_id = bq.mex.uri.split('/')[-1]
+ log.info('Up Mex: %s' % (mex_id))
+ log.info('Up File: %s' % (filename))
+ resource = etree.Element(
+ data_type, name='ModuleExecutions/' + self.module_name + '/' + filename)
+ t = etree.SubElement(resource, 'tag', name="datetime", value='time')
+ log.info('Creating upload xml data: %s ' %
+ str(etree.tostring(resource, pretty_print=True)))
+ # os.path.join("ModuleExecutions","CellSegment3D", filename)
+ filepath = filename
+ # use import service to /import/transfer activating import service
+ r = etree.XML(bq.postblob(filepath, xml=resource)).find('./')
+ if r is None or r.get('uri') is None:
+ bq.fail_mex(msg="Exception during upload results")
+ else:
+ log.info('Uploaded ID: %s, URL: %s' %
+ (r.get('resource_uniq'), r.get('uri')))
+ bq.update_mex('Uploaded ID: %s, URL: %s' %
+ (r.get('resource_uniq'), r.get('uri')))
+ self.furl = r.get('uri')
+ self.fname = r.get('name')
+ resource.set('value', self.furl)
+ return resource
+ def validate_input(self):
+ """
+ Check to see if a mex with token or user with password was provided.
+ @return True is returned if validation credention was provided else
+ False is returned
+ """
+ if (self.options.mexURL and self.options.token): # run module through engine service
+ return True
+ if (self.options.user and self.options.pwd and self.options.root): # run module locally (note: to test module)
+ return True
+ log.debug('Insufficient options or arguments to start this module')
+ return False
+ def main(self):
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+ parser.add_option('--mex_url', dest="mexURL")
+ parser.add_option('--module_dir', dest="modulePath")
+ parser.add_option('--staging_path', dest="stagingPath")
+ parser.add_option('--bisque_token', dest="token")
+ parser.add_option('--user', dest="user")
+ parser.add_option('--pwd', dest="pwd")
+ parser.add_option('--root', dest="root")
+ # parser.add_option('--resource_url', dest="resource_url")
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ fh = logging.FileHandler('scriptrun.log', mode='a')
+ fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)8s --- %(message)s ' +
+ '(%(filename)s:%(lineno)s)', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+ fh.setFormatter(formatter)
+ log.addHandler(fh)
+ try: # pull out the mex
+ if not options.mexURL:
+ options.mexURL = sys.argv[-2]
+ if not options.token:
+ options.token = sys.argv[-1]
+ except IndexError: # no argv were set
+ pass
+ if not options.stagingPath:
+ options.stagingPath = ''
+ log.debug('\n\nPARAMS : %s \n\n Options: %s' % (args, options))
+ self.options = options
+ log.debug("Validating input")
+ if self.validate_input():
+ log.debug("Validated input successfully")
+ # initalizes if user and password are provided
+ # log.info(f"{self.options.user=}")
+ # log.info(f"{self.options.pwd=}")
+ # log.info(f"{self.options.root=}")
+ if (self.options.user and self.options.pwd and self.options.root):
+ log.debug("User and password were provided")
+ try:
+ self.bqSession = BQSession().init_local(self.options.user, self.options.pwd,
+ bisque_root=self.options.root)
+ log.debug("Created BQSession with init_local")
+ self.options.mexURL = self.bqSession.mex.uri
+ except:
+ log.error("Unable to get options.mexURL")
+ return
+ # initalizes if mex and mex token is provided
+ elif (self.options.mexURL and self.options.token):
+ log.debug("mex and mex token were provided")
+ # log.info(f"{self.options.mexURL=}")
+ # log.info(f"{self.options.token=}")
+ try:
+ self.bqSession = BQSession().init_mex(self.options.mexURL, self.options.token)
+ except Exception as e:
+ log.info("Failed to make BQSession")
+ log.info(str(e))
+ return
+ else:
+ raise ScriptError('Insufficient options or arguments to start this module')
+ try:
+ self.setup()
+ except Exception as e:
+ log.exception("Exception during setup")
+ self.bqSession.fail_mex(msg="Exception during setup: %s" % str(e))
+ return
+ ####
+ try:
+ self.run()
+ except (Exception, ScriptError) as e:
+ log.exception("Exception during run")
+ self.bqSession.fail_mex(msg="Exception during run: %s" % str(e))
+ return
+ ##
+ try:
+ self.tear_down()
+ except (Exception, ScriptError) as e:
+ log.exception("Exception during tear_down")
+ self.bqSession.fail_mex(msg="Exception during tear_down: %s" % str(e))
+ return
+ self.bqSession.close()
+ log.debug('Session Close')
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ PythonScriptWrapper().main()
diff --git a/NPHSegmentationPipeline/bqconfig.json b/NPHSegmentationPipeline/bqconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..779344d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NPHSegmentationPipeline/bqconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"Name": "NPHSegmentationPipeline", "Author": "Krithika, Shailja, Sanjay, Vikram", "Description": "Performs segmentation of CT scans, using ResNet patch based method.", "Inputs": {"Input Scans": "image"}, "Outputs": {"Output Scan": "image"}}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/NPHSegmentationPipeline/public/help.html b/NPHSegmentationPipeline/public/help.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcc77ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NPHSegmentationPipeline/public/help.html
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Intakes a *.nii.gz file and returns back a segmented scan, using a ResNet patch-based method.
Select an *.nii.gz file from Bisque (you will need to upload it first if it is not already present).
Run the module.
Results will be returned as an *.nii.gz file -- this can be viewed directly, or downloaded if desired.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/NPHSegmentationPipeline/public/help.md b/NPHSegmentationPipeline/public/help.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee40313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NPHSegmentationPipeline/public/help.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Overall
+Intakes a ``*.nii.gz`` file and returns back a segmented scan, using a ResNet patch-based method.
+## Usage
+1. Select an ``*.nii.gz`` file from Bisque (you will need to upload it first if it is not already present).
+2. Run the module.
+3. Results will be returned as an ``*.nii.gz`` file -- this can be viewed directly, or downloaded if desired.
diff --git a/NPHSegmentationPipeline/public/thumbnail.svg b/NPHSegmentationPipeline/public/thumbnail.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4be6e5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NPHSegmentationPipeline/public/thumbnail.svg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/NPHSegmentationPipeline/runtime-module.cfg b/NPHSegmentationPipeline/runtime-module.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1beb25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NPHSegmentationPipeline/runtime-module.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Module configuration file for local execution of modules
+module_enabled = True
+runtime.platforms = command
+docker.image = nph_pipeline:seg
+environments = Staged,Docker
+executable = python PythonScriptWrapper.py
+files = pydist, PythonScriptWrapper.py
diff --git a/NPHSegmentationPipeline/xml_template b/NPHSegmentationPipeline/xml_template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3a520e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NPHSegmentationPipeline/xml_template
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@