A desktop application written in Java for a Hospital Management System. A project made in class-12 (CBSE-Informatics and Practices).
- Provides password protected Admin panel.
- MySql for backend
- Sleek interface
- Record of Patients,Doctors and additional facilities such as rooms and billing.
To get the database first create a database in MySql and then put the akash.sql dump file in your MyMySQL Server5.1/bin directory. Now in command prompt enter:
- cd program files/MySQL/MySQL Server5.1/bin “press enter"
- mysql –u root –p database_name < database_name.sql “press enter”
This will complete the database transfer to your computer.
You will need to download rs2xml.jar and add it to your libs in netbeans project.
- To run the application click here and use username:akash password:12345 to open the application.
This application is licenced under GNU.
Thank you.