This project gives an overview of native components available in Titanium. The components are grouped into multiple groups and can be logged in the "Logs" tab. It also includes full support for iOS, Android & Windows.
- TypeScript support
- Full ES6+ support
- API Logging
- Controls (Switch, Slider, Tabbed Bar, Text Field, Alerts, Dialogs, ...)
- Views (Scroll View, List View, Image View, Blur View, Web View, ...)
- Services (Twitter, Facebook)
- Platform (Clipboard, URL-Schemes, Hyperloop, Databases, Geolocation, Camera, Gallery, ...)
- TODO: More Platform APIs (HTTP-Requests, Contacts, ...)
Clone the repository:
git clone
Install dependencies:
npm install
Build to Simulator or Device:
ti build -p [android|ios] [-T device]
Code contributions are greatly appreciated, please submit a new pull request!
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