Yet another simple StringBuilder
Useful if you want to log to a string instead of the console
Please consider following this project's author, SwiftWinds, and starring the project to show your ❤️ and support.
Install with npm:
$ npm install --save yassb
import StringBuilder from 'yassb';
const sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.add('Hello, ');
//=> Hello, world!
// commands can be chained like this
sb.addLine('This is another line!').addLine('So is this!');
//=> Hello, world
// This is another line!
// So is this!
// addLine() without parameters simply creates a new line
console.log(sb.addLine().addLine('This is so cool.').toString());
//=> Hello, world
// This is another line!
// So is this!
// This is so cool.
const emptySb = new StringBuilder();
console.log(sb.isEmpty(), emptySb.isEmpty());
//=> true false
// there is no empty line at the beginning of the StringBuilder
const anotherSb = new StringBuilder();
anotherSb.addLine("This is the first (and last) line");
//=> This is the first (and last) line
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.