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690 lines (472 loc) · 45.8 KB

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690 lines (472 loc) · 45.8 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
DisableManagedSlowOperationThreshold Delete /api/atlas/v1.0/groups/{groupId}/managedSlowMs/disable Disable Managed Slow Operation Threshold
EnableManagedSlowOperationThreshold Post /api/atlas/v1.0/groups/{groupId}/managedSlowMs/enable Enable Managed Slow Operation Threshold
ReturnAllNamespacesForOneHost Get /api/public/v1.0/groups/{groupId}/hosts/{hostId}/performanceAdvisor/namespaces Return All Namespaces for One Host
ReturnAllNamespacesForOneHost1 Get /api/atlas/v1.0/groups/{groupId}/processes/{processId}/performanceAdvisor/namespaces Return All Namespaces for One Host
ReturnSlowQueries Get /api/public/v1.0/groups/{groupId}/hosts/{hostId}/performanceAdvisor/slowQueryLogs Return Slow Queries
ReturnSlowQueries1 Get /api/atlas/v1.0/groups/{groupId}/processes/{processId}/performanceAdvisor/slowQueryLogs Return Slow Queries
ReturnSuggestedIndexes Get /api/public/v1.0/groups/{groupId}/hosts/{hostId}/performanceAdvisor/suggestedIndexes Return Suggested Indexes
ReturnSuggestedIndexes1 Get /api/atlas/v1.0/groups/{groupId}/processes/{processId}/performanceAdvisor/suggestedIndexes Return Suggested Indexes


DisableManagedSlowOperationThreshold(ctx, groupId).Envelope(envelope).Pretty(pretty).Execute()

Disable Managed Slow Operation Threshold


package main

import (
    openapiclient "./openapi"

func main() {
    groupId := "32b6e34b3d91647abb20e7b8" // string | Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string that identifies your project.
    envelope := false // bool | Flag that indicates whether Application wraps the response in an `envelope` JSON object. Some API clients cannot access the HTTP response headers or status code. To remediate this, set envelope=true in the query. Endpoints that return a list of results use the results object as an envelope. Application adds the status parameter to the response body. (optional) (default to false)
    pretty := false // bool | Flag that indicates whether the response body should be in the prettyprint format. (optional) (default to false)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.PerformanceAdvisorApi.DisableManagedSlowOperationThreshold(context.Background(), groupId).Envelope(envelope).Pretty(pretty).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `PerformanceAdvisorApi.DisableManagedSlowOperationThreshold``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
groupId string Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string that identifies your project.

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiDisableManagedSlowOperationThresholdRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes

envelope | bool | Flag that indicates whether Application wraps the response in an `envelope` JSON object. Some API clients cannot access the HTTP response headers or status code. To remediate this, set envelope=true in the query. Endpoints that return a list of results use the results object as an envelope. Application adds the status parameter to the response body. | [default to false] pretty | bool | Flag that indicates whether the response body should be in the prettyprint format. | [default to false]

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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EnableManagedSlowOperationThreshold(ctx, groupId).Envelope(envelope).Pretty(pretty).Execute()

Enable Managed Slow Operation Threshold


package main

import (
    openapiclient "./openapi"

func main() {
    groupId := "32b6e34b3d91647abb20e7b8" // string | Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string that identifies your project.
    envelope := false // bool | Flag that indicates whether Application wraps the response in an `envelope` JSON object. Some API clients cannot access the HTTP response headers or status code. To remediate this, set envelope=true in the query. Endpoints that return a list of results use the results object as an envelope. Application adds the status parameter to the response body. (optional) (default to false)
    pretty := false // bool | Flag that indicates whether the response body should be in the prettyprint format. (optional) (default to false)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.PerformanceAdvisorApi.EnableManagedSlowOperationThreshold(context.Background(), groupId).Envelope(envelope).Pretty(pretty).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `PerformanceAdvisorApi.EnableManagedSlowOperationThreshold``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
groupId string Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string that identifies your project.

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiEnableManagedSlowOperationThresholdRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes

envelope | bool | Flag that indicates whether Application wraps the response in an `envelope` JSON object. Some API clients cannot access the HTTP response headers or status code. To remediate this, set envelope=true in the query. Endpoints that return a list of results use the results object as an envelope. Application adds the status parameter to the response body. | [default to false] pretty | bool | Flag that indicates whether the response body should be in the prettyprint format. | [default to false]

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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[]ApiNamespacesView ReturnAllNamespacesForOneHost(ctx, groupId, hostId).Envelope(envelope).IncludeCount(includeCount).ItemsPerPage(itemsPerPage).PageNum(pageNum).Pretty(pretty).Duration(duration).Since(since).Execute()

Return All Namespaces for One Host


package main

import (
    openapiclient "./openapi"

func main() {
    groupId := "32b6e34b3d91647abb20e7b8" // string | Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string that identifies your project.
    hostId := "hostId_example" // string | Unique identifier of the host for the MongoDB process.
    envelope := false // bool | Flag that indicates whether Application wraps the response in an `envelope` JSON object. Some API clients cannot access the HTTP response headers or status code. To remediate this, set envelope=true in the query. Endpoints that return a list of results use the results object as an envelope. Application adds the status parameter to the response body. (optional) (default to false)
    includeCount := true // bool | Flag that indicates whether the response returns the total number of items (**totalCount**) in the response. (optional) (default to true)
    itemsPerPage := int32(100) // int32 | Number of items that the response returns per page. (optional) (default to 100)
    pageNum := int32(1) // int32 | Number of the page that displays the current set of the total objects that the response returns. (optional) (default to 1)
    pretty := false // bool | Flag that indicates whether the response body should be in the prettyprint format. (optional) (default to false)
    duration := int64(789) // int64 | Length of time expressed in milliseconds during which the query finds suggested indexes among the managed namespaces in the cluster. (optional)
    since := int64(789) // int64 | Timestamp in the number of seconds that have elapsed since the [UNIX epoch]( from which the query retrieves the suggested indexes. (optional)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.PerformanceAdvisorApi.ReturnAllNamespacesForOneHost(context.Background(), groupId, hostId).Envelope(envelope).IncludeCount(includeCount).ItemsPerPage(itemsPerPage).PageNum(pageNum).Pretty(pretty).Duration(duration).Since(since).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `PerformanceAdvisorApi.ReturnAllNamespacesForOneHost``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `ReturnAllNamespacesForOneHost`: []ApiNamespacesView
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `PerformanceAdvisorApi.ReturnAllNamespacesForOneHost`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
groupId string Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string that identifies your project.
hostId string Unique identifier of the host for the MongoDB process.

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiReturnAllNamespacesForOneHostRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes

envelope | bool | Flag that indicates whether Application wraps the response in an `envelope` JSON object. Some API clients cannot access the HTTP response headers or status code. To remediate this, set envelope=true in the query. Endpoints that return a list of results use the results object as an envelope. Application adds the status parameter to the response body. | [default to false] includeCount | bool | Flag that indicates whether the response returns the total number of items (totalCount) in the response. | [default to true] itemsPerPage | int32 | Number of items that the response returns per page. | [default to 100] pageNum | int32 | Number of the page that displays the current set of the total objects that the response returns. | [default to 1] pretty | bool | Flag that indicates whether the response body should be in the prettyprint format. | [default to false] duration | int64 | Length of time expressed in milliseconds during which the query finds suggested indexes among the managed namespaces in the cluster. | since | int64 | Timestamp in the number of seconds that have elapsed since the UNIX epoch from which the query retrieves the suggested indexes. |

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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[]ApiNamespacesView ReturnAllNamespacesForOneHost1(ctx, groupId, processId).Envelope(envelope).IncludeCount(includeCount).ItemsPerPage(itemsPerPage).PageNum(pageNum).Pretty(pretty).Duration(duration).Since(since).Execute()

Return All Namespaces for One Host


package main

import (
    openapiclient "./openapi"

func main() {
    groupId := "32b6e34b3d91647abb20e7b8" // string | Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string that identifies your project.
    processId := "processId_example" // string | Combination of host and port that serves the MongoDB process. The host must be the hostname, FQDN, IPv4 address, or IPv6 address of the host that runs the MongoDB process (`mongod` or `mongos`). The port must be the IANA port on which the MongoDB process listens for requests.
    envelope := false // bool | Flag that indicates whether Application wraps the response in an `envelope` JSON object. Some API clients cannot access the HTTP response headers or status code. To remediate this, set envelope=true in the query. Endpoints that return a list of results use the results object as an envelope. Application adds the status parameter to the response body. (optional) (default to false)
    includeCount := true // bool | Flag that indicates whether the response returns the total number of items (**totalCount**) in the response. (optional) (default to true)
    itemsPerPage := int32(100) // int32 | Number of items that the response returns per page. (optional) (default to 100)
    pageNum := int32(1) // int32 | Number of the page that displays the current set of the total objects that the response returns. (optional) (default to 1)
    pretty := false // bool | Flag that indicates whether the response body should be in the prettyprint format. (optional) (default to false)
    duration := int64(789) // int64 | Length of time expressed during which the query finds suggested indexes among the managed namespaces in the cluster. This parameter expresses its value in milliseconds.  - If you don't specify the **since** parameter, the endpoint returns data covering the duration before the current time. - If you specify neither the **duration** nor **since** parameters, the endpoint returns data from the previous 24 hours. (optional)
    since := int64(789) // int64 | Date and time from which the query retrieves the suggested indexes. This parameter expresses its value in the number of seconds that have elapsed since the [UNIX epoch](  - If you don't specify the **duration** parameter, the endpoint returns data covering from the **since** value and the current time. - If you specify neither the **duration** nor the **since** parameters, the endpoint returns data from the previous 24 hours. (optional)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.PerformanceAdvisorApi.ReturnAllNamespacesForOneHost1(context.Background(), groupId, processId).Envelope(envelope).IncludeCount(includeCount).ItemsPerPage(itemsPerPage).PageNum(pageNum).Pretty(pretty).Duration(duration).Since(since).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `PerformanceAdvisorApi.ReturnAllNamespacesForOneHost1``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `ReturnAllNamespacesForOneHost1`: []ApiNamespacesView
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `PerformanceAdvisorApi.ReturnAllNamespacesForOneHost1`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
groupId string Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string that identifies your project.
processId string Combination of host and port that serves the MongoDB process. The host must be the hostname, FQDN, IPv4 address, or IPv6 address of the host that runs the MongoDB process (`mongod` or `mongos`). The port must be the IANA port on which the MongoDB process listens for requests.

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiReturnAllNamespacesForOneHost1Request struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes

envelope | bool | Flag that indicates whether Application wraps the response in an `envelope` JSON object. Some API clients cannot access the HTTP response headers or status code. To remediate this, set envelope=true in the query. Endpoints that return a list of results use the results object as an envelope. Application adds the status parameter to the response body. | [default to false] includeCount | bool | Flag that indicates whether the response returns the total number of items (totalCount) in the response. | [default to true] itemsPerPage | int32 | Number of items that the response returns per page. | [default to 100] pageNum | int32 | Number of the page that displays the current set of the total objects that the response returns. | [default to 1] pretty | bool | Flag that indicates whether the response body should be in the prettyprint format. | [default to false] duration | int64 | Length of time expressed during which the query finds suggested indexes among the managed namespaces in the cluster. This parameter expresses its value in milliseconds. - If you don't specify the since parameter, the endpoint returns data covering the duration before the current time. - If you specify neither the duration nor since parameters, the endpoint returns data from the previous 24 hours. | since | int64 | Date and time from which the query retrieves the suggested indexes. This parameter expresses its value in the number of seconds that have elapsed since the UNIX epoch. - If you don't specify the duration parameter, the endpoint returns data covering from the since value and the current time. - If you specify neither the duration nor the since parameters, the endpoint returns data from the previous 24 hours. |

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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[]ApiPerformanceAdvisorSlowQueryListView ReturnSlowQueries(ctx, groupId, hostId).Envelope(envelope).Pretty(pretty).Duration(duration).Namespaces(namespaces).NLogs(nLogs).Since(since).Execute()

Return Slow Queries


package main

import (
    openapiclient "./openapi"

func main() {
    groupId := "32b6e34b3d91647abb20e7b8" // string | Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string that identifies your project.
    hostId := "hostId_example" // string | Unique identifier of the host for the MongoDB process.
    envelope := false // bool | Flag that indicates whether Application wraps the response in an `envelope` JSON object. Some API clients cannot access the HTTP response headers or status code. To remediate this, set envelope=true in the query. Endpoints that return a list of results use the results object as an envelope. Application adds the status parameter to the response body. (optional) (default to false)
    pretty := false // bool | Flag that indicates whether the response body should be in the prettyprint format. (optional) (default to false)
    duration := int64(789) // int64 | Length of time expressed in milliseconds during which the query finds suggested indexes among the managed namespaces in the cluster. (optional)
    namespaces := []string{"Inner_example"} // []string | Namespaces from which to retrieve suggested indexes. A namespace consists of one database and one collection resource written as `.`: `<database>.<collection>`. To include multiple namespaces, pass the parameter multiple times delimited with an ampersand (`&`) between each namespace. Omit this parameter to return results for all namespaces. (optional)
    nLogs := int64(789) // int64 | Maximum number of lines from the log to return. (optional) (default to 20000)
    since := int64(789) // int64 | Timestamp in the number of seconds that have elapsed since the [UNIX epoch]( from which the query retrieves the suggested indexes. (optional)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.PerformanceAdvisorApi.ReturnSlowQueries(context.Background(), groupId, hostId).Envelope(envelope).Pretty(pretty).Duration(duration).Namespaces(namespaces).NLogs(nLogs).Since(since).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `PerformanceAdvisorApi.ReturnSlowQueries``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `ReturnSlowQueries`: []ApiPerformanceAdvisorSlowQueryListView
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `PerformanceAdvisorApi.ReturnSlowQueries`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
groupId string Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string that identifies your project.
hostId string Unique identifier of the host for the MongoDB process.

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiReturnSlowQueriesRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes

envelope | bool | Flag that indicates whether Application wraps the response in an `envelope` JSON object. Some API clients cannot access the HTTP response headers or status code. To remediate this, set envelope=true in the query. Endpoints that return a list of results use the results object as an envelope. Application adds the status parameter to the response body. | [default to false] pretty | bool | Flag that indicates whether the response body should be in the prettyprint format. | [default to false] duration | int64 | Length of time expressed in milliseconds during which the query finds suggested indexes among the managed namespaces in the cluster. | namespaces | []string | Namespaces from which to retrieve suggested indexes. A namespace consists of one database and one collection resource written as `.`: `<database>.<collection>`. To include multiple namespaces, pass the parameter multiple times delimited with an ampersand (`&`) between each namespace. Omit this parameter to return results for all namespaces. | nLogs | int64 | Maximum number of lines from the log to return. | [default to 20000] since | int64 | Timestamp in the number of seconds that have elapsed since the UNIX epoch from which the query retrieves the suggested indexes. |

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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[]ApiPerformanceAdvisorSlowQueryListView ReturnSlowQueries1(ctx, groupId, processId).Envelope(envelope).Pretty(pretty).Duration(duration).Namespaces(namespaces).NLogs(nLogs).Since(since).Execute()

Return Slow Queries


package main

import (
    openapiclient "./openapi"

func main() {
    groupId := "32b6e34b3d91647abb20e7b8" // string | Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string that identifies your project.
    processId := "processId_example" // string | Combination of host and port that serves the MongoDB process. The host must be the hostname, FQDN, IPv4 address, or IPv6 address of the host that runs the MongoDB process (`mongod` or `mongos`). The port must be the IANA port on which the MongoDB process listens for requests.
    envelope := false // bool | Flag that indicates whether Application wraps the response in an `envelope` JSON object. Some API clients cannot access the HTTP response headers or status code. To remediate this, set envelope=true in the query. Endpoints that return a list of results use the results object as an envelope. Application adds the status parameter to the response body. (optional) (default to false)
    pretty := false // bool | Flag that indicates whether the response body should be in the prettyprint format. (optional) (default to false)
    duration := float32(8.14) // float32 | Length of time expressed during which the query finds suggested indexes among the managed namespaces in the cluster. This parameter expresses its value in milliseconds.  - If you don't specify the **since** parameter, the endpoint returns data covering the duration before the current time. - If you specify neither the **duration** nor **since** parameters, the endpoint returns data from the previous 24 hours. (optional)
    namespaces := []string{"Inner_example"} // []string | Namespaces from which to retrieve suggested indexes. A namespace consists of one database and one collection resource written as `.`: `<database>.<collection>`. To include multiple namespaces, pass the parameter multiple times delimited with an ampersand (`&`) between each namespace. Omit this parameter to return results for all namespaces. (optional)
    nLogs := int64(789) // int64 | Maximum number of lines from the log to return. (optional) (default to 20000)
    since := float32(8.14) // float32 | Date and time from which the query retrieves the suggested indexes. This parameter expresses its value in the number of seconds that have elapsed since the [UNIX epoch](  - If you don't specify the **duration** parameter, the endpoint returns data covering from the **since** value and the current time. - If you specify neither the **duration** nor the **since** parameters, the endpoint returns data from the previous 24 hours. (optional)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.PerformanceAdvisorApi.ReturnSlowQueries1(context.Background(), groupId, processId).Envelope(envelope).Pretty(pretty).Duration(duration).Namespaces(namespaces).NLogs(nLogs).Since(since).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `PerformanceAdvisorApi.ReturnSlowQueries1``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `ReturnSlowQueries1`: []ApiPerformanceAdvisorSlowQueryListView
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `PerformanceAdvisorApi.ReturnSlowQueries1`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
groupId string Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string that identifies your project.
processId string Combination of host and port that serves the MongoDB process. The host must be the hostname, FQDN, IPv4 address, or IPv6 address of the host that runs the MongoDB process (`mongod` or `mongos`). The port must be the IANA port on which the MongoDB process listens for requests.

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiReturnSlowQueries1Request struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes

envelope | bool | Flag that indicates whether Application wraps the response in an `envelope` JSON object. Some API clients cannot access the HTTP response headers or status code. To remediate this, set envelope=true in the query. Endpoints that return a list of results use the results object as an envelope. Application adds the status parameter to the response body. | [default to false] pretty | bool | Flag that indicates whether the response body should be in the prettyprint format. | [default to false] duration | float32 | Length of time expressed during which the query finds suggested indexes among the managed namespaces in the cluster. This parameter expresses its value in milliseconds. - If you don't specify the since parameter, the endpoint returns data covering the duration before the current time. - If you specify neither the duration nor since parameters, the endpoint returns data from the previous 24 hours. | namespaces | []string | Namespaces from which to retrieve suggested indexes. A namespace consists of one database and one collection resource written as `.`: `<database>.<collection>`. To include multiple namespaces, pass the parameter multiple times delimited with an ampersand (`&`) between each namespace. Omit this parameter to return results for all namespaces. | nLogs | int64 | Maximum number of lines from the log to return. | [default to 20000] since | float32 | Date and time from which the query retrieves the suggested indexes. This parameter expresses its value in the number of seconds that have elapsed since the UNIX epoch. - If you don't specify the duration parameter, the endpoint returns data covering from the since value and the current time. - If you specify neither the duration nor the since parameters, the endpoint returns data from the previous 24 hours. |

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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ApiPerformanceAdvisorResponseView ReturnSuggestedIndexes(ctx, groupId, hostId).Envelope(envelope).IncludeCount(includeCount).ItemsPerPage(itemsPerPage).PageNum(pageNum).Pretty(pretty).Duration(duration).Namespaces(namespaces).NExamples(nExamples).NIndexes(nIndexes).Since(since).Execute()

Return Suggested Indexes


package main

import (
    openapiclient "./openapi"

func main() {
    groupId := "32b6e34b3d91647abb20e7b8" // string | Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string that identifies your project.
    hostId := "hostId_example" // string | Unique identifier of the host for the MongoDB process.
    envelope := false // bool | Flag that indicates whether Application wraps the response in an `envelope` JSON object. Some API clients cannot access the HTTP response headers or status code. To remediate this, set envelope=true in the query. Endpoints that return a list of results use the results object as an envelope. Application adds the status parameter to the response body. (optional) (default to false)
    includeCount := true // bool | Flag that indicates whether the response returns the total number of items (**totalCount**) in the response. (optional) (default to true)
    itemsPerPage := int32(100) // int32 | Number of items that the response returns per page. (optional) (default to 100)
    pageNum := int32(1) // int32 | Number of the page that displays the current set of the total objects that the response returns. (optional) (default to 1)
    pretty := false // bool | Flag that indicates whether the response body should be in the prettyprint format. (optional) (default to false)
    duration := int64(789) // int64 | Length of time expressed in milliseconds during which the query finds suggested indexes among the managed namespaces in the cluster. (optional)
    namespaces := []string{"Inner_example"} // []string | Namespaces from which to retrieve suggested indexes. A namespace consists of one database and one collection resource written as `.`: `<database>.<collection>`. To include multiple namespaces, pass the parameter multiple times delimited with an ampersand (`&`) between each namespace. Omit this parameter to return results for all namespaces. (optional)
    nExamples := int64(789) // int64 | Maximum number of example queries that benefit from the suggested index. (optional) (default to 5)
    nIndexes := int64(789) // int64 | Number that indicates the maximum indexes to suggest. (optional)
    since := int64(789) // int64 | Timestamp in the number of seconds that have elapsed since the [UNIX epoch]( from which the query retrieves the suggested indexes. (optional)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.PerformanceAdvisorApi.ReturnSuggestedIndexes(context.Background(), groupId, hostId).Envelope(envelope).IncludeCount(includeCount).ItemsPerPage(itemsPerPage).PageNum(pageNum).Pretty(pretty).Duration(duration).Namespaces(namespaces).NExamples(nExamples).NIndexes(nIndexes).Since(since).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `PerformanceAdvisorApi.ReturnSuggestedIndexes``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `ReturnSuggestedIndexes`: ApiPerformanceAdvisorResponseView
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `PerformanceAdvisorApi.ReturnSuggestedIndexes`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
groupId string Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string that identifies your project.
hostId string Unique identifier of the host for the MongoDB process.

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiReturnSuggestedIndexesRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes

envelope | bool | Flag that indicates whether Application wraps the response in an `envelope` JSON object. Some API clients cannot access the HTTP response headers or status code. To remediate this, set envelope=true in the query. Endpoints that return a list of results use the results object as an envelope. Application adds the status parameter to the response body. | [default to false] includeCount | bool | Flag that indicates whether the response returns the total number of items (totalCount) in the response. | [default to true] itemsPerPage | int32 | Number of items that the response returns per page. | [default to 100] pageNum | int32 | Number of the page that displays the current set of the total objects that the response returns. | [default to 1] pretty | bool | Flag that indicates whether the response body should be in the prettyprint format. | [default to false] duration | int64 | Length of time expressed in milliseconds during which the query finds suggested indexes among the managed namespaces in the cluster. | namespaces | []string | Namespaces from which to retrieve suggested indexes. A namespace consists of one database and one collection resource written as `.`: `<database>.<collection>`. To include multiple namespaces, pass the parameter multiple times delimited with an ampersand (`&`) between each namespace. Omit this parameter to return results for all namespaces. | nExamples | int64 | Maximum number of example queries that benefit from the suggested index. | [default to 5] nIndexes | int64 | Number that indicates the maximum indexes to suggest. | since | int64 | Timestamp in the number of seconds that have elapsed since the UNIX epoch from which the query retrieves the suggested indexes. |

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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ApiPerformanceAdvisorResponseView ReturnSuggestedIndexes1(ctx, groupId, processId).Envelope(envelope).IncludeCount(includeCount).ItemsPerPage(itemsPerPage).PageNum(pageNum).Pretty(pretty).Duration(duration).Namespaces(namespaces).NExamples(nExamples).NIndexes(nIndexes).Since(since).Execute()

Return Suggested Indexes


package main

import (
    openapiclient "./openapi"

func main() {
    groupId := "32b6e34b3d91647abb20e7b8" // string | Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string that identifies your project.
    processId := "processId_example" // string | Combination of host and port that serves the MongoDB process. The host must be the hostname, FQDN, IPv4 address, or IPv6 address of the host that runs the MongoDB process (`mongod` or `mongos`). The port must be the IANA port on which the MongoDB process listens for requests.
    envelope := false // bool | Flag that indicates whether Application wraps the response in an `envelope` JSON object. Some API clients cannot access the HTTP response headers or status code. To remediate this, set envelope=true in the query. Endpoints that return a list of results use the results object as an envelope. Application adds the status parameter to the response body. (optional) (default to false)
    includeCount := true // bool | Flag that indicates whether the response returns the total number of items (**totalCount**) in the response. (optional) (default to true)
    itemsPerPage := int32(100) // int32 | Number of items that the response returns per page. (optional) (default to 100)
    pageNum := int32(1) // int32 | Number of the page that displays the current set of the total objects that the response returns. (optional) (default to 1)
    pretty := false // bool | Flag that indicates whether the response body should be in the prettyprint format. (optional) (default to false)
    duration := float32(8.14) // float32 | Length of time expressed during which the query finds suggested indexes among the managed namespaces in the cluster. This parameter expresses its value in milliseconds.  - If you don't specify the **since** parameter, the endpoint returns data covering the duration before the current time. - If you specify neither the **duration** nor **since** parameters, the endpoint returns data from the previous 24 hours. (optional)
    namespaces := []string{"Inner_example"} // []string | Namespaces from which to retrieve suggested indexes. A namespace consists of one database and one collection resource written as `.`: `<database>.<collection>`. To include multiple namespaces, pass the parameter multiple times delimited with an ampersand (`&`) between each namespace. Omit this parameter to return results for all namespaces. (optional)
    nExamples := int64(789) // int64 | Maximum number of example queries that benefit from the suggested index. (optional) (default to 5)
    nIndexes := int64(789) // int64 | Number that indicates the maximum indexes to suggest. (optional)
    since := float32(8.14) // float32 | Date and time from which the query retrieves the suggested indexes. This parameter expresses its value in the number of seconds that have elapsed since the [UNIX epoch](  - If you don't specify the **duration** parameter, the endpoint returns data covering from the **since** value and the current time. - If you specify neither the **duration** nor the **since** parameters, the endpoint returns data from the previous 24 hours. (optional)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.PerformanceAdvisorApi.ReturnSuggestedIndexes1(context.Background(), groupId, processId).Envelope(envelope).IncludeCount(includeCount).ItemsPerPage(itemsPerPage).PageNum(pageNum).Pretty(pretty).Duration(duration).Namespaces(namespaces).NExamples(nExamples).NIndexes(nIndexes).Since(since).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `PerformanceAdvisorApi.ReturnSuggestedIndexes1``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `ReturnSuggestedIndexes1`: ApiPerformanceAdvisorResponseView
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `PerformanceAdvisorApi.ReturnSuggestedIndexes1`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
groupId string Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string that identifies your project.
processId string Combination of host and port that serves the MongoDB process. The host must be the hostname, FQDN, IPv4 address, or IPv6 address of the host that runs the MongoDB process (`mongod` or `mongos`). The port must be the IANA port on which the MongoDB process listens for requests.

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiReturnSuggestedIndexes1Request struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes

envelope | bool | Flag that indicates whether Application wraps the response in an `envelope` JSON object. Some API clients cannot access the HTTP response headers or status code. To remediate this, set envelope=true in the query. Endpoints that return a list of results use the results object as an envelope. Application adds the status parameter to the response body. | [default to false] includeCount | bool | Flag that indicates whether the response returns the total number of items (totalCount) in the response. | [default to true] itemsPerPage | int32 | Number of items that the response returns per page. | [default to 100] pageNum | int32 | Number of the page that displays the current set of the total objects that the response returns. | [default to 1] pretty | bool | Flag that indicates whether the response body should be in the prettyprint format. | [default to false] duration | float32 | Length of time expressed during which the query finds suggested indexes among the managed namespaces in the cluster. This parameter expresses its value in milliseconds. - If you don't specify the since parameter, the endpoint returns data covering the duration before the current time. - If you specify neither the duration nor since parameters, the endpoint returns data from the previous 24 hours. | namespaces | []string | Namespaces from which to retrieve suggested indexes. A namespace consists of one database and one collection resource written as `.`: `<database>.<collection>`. To include multiple namespaces, pass the parameter multiple times delimited with an ampersand (`&`) between each namespace. Omit this parameter to return results for all namespaces. | nExamples | int64 | Maximum number of example queries that benefit from the suggested index. | [default to 5] nIndexes | int64 | Number that indicates the maximum indexes to suggest. | since | float32 | Date and time from which the query retrieves the suggested indexes. This parameter expresses its value in the number of seconds that have elapsed since the UNIX epoch. - If you don't specify the duration parameter, the endpoint returns data covering from the since value and the current time. - If you specify neither the duration nor the since parameters, the endpoint returns data from the previous 24 hours. |

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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