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All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
CreateOneCloudUser Post /api/atlas/v1.0/users Create One MongoDB Cloud User
ReturnOneCloudUserUsingItsId Get /api/atlas/v1.0/users/{userId} Return One MongoDB Cloud User using Its ID
ReturnOneCloudUserUsingItsUsername Get /api/atlas/v1.0/users/byName/{userName} Return One MongoDB Cloud User using Their Username


ApiAppUserView CreateOneCloudUser(ctx).ApiAppUserView(apiAppUserView).Envelope(envelope).Pretty(pretty).Execute()

Create One MongoDB Cloud User


package main

import (
    openapiclient "./openapi"

func main() {
    apiAppUserView := *openapiclient.NewApiAppUserView("Country_example", "EmailAddress_example", "FirstName_example", "LastName_example", []openapiclient.Link{*openapiclient.NewLink()}, "MobileNumber_example", "Password_example", []openapiclient.ApiRoleAssignmentView{*openapiclient.NewApiRoleAssignmentView()}, "Username_example") // ApiAppUserView | MongoDB Cloud user account to create.
    envelope := false // bool | Flag that indicates whether Application wraps the response in an `envelope` JSON object. Some API clients cannot access the HTTP response headers or status code. To remediate this, set envelope=true in the query. Endpoints that return a list of results use the results object as an envelope. Application adds the status parameter to the response body. (optional) (default to false)
    pretty := false // bool | Flag that indicates whether the response body should be in the prettyprint format. (optional) (default to false)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.MongoDBCloudUsersApi.CreateOneCloudUser(context.Background()).ApiAppUserView(apiAppUserView).Envelope(envelope).Pretty(pretty).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `MongoDBCloudUsersApi.CreateOneCloudUser``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `CreateOneCloudUser`: ApiAppUserView
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `MongoDBCloudUsersApi.CreateOneCloudUser`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiCreateOneCloudUserRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
apiAppUserView ApiAppUserView MongoDB Cloud user account to create.
envelope bool Flag that indicates whether Application wraps the response in an `envelope` JSON object. Some API clients cannot access the HTTP response headers or status code. To remediate this, set envelope=true in the query. Endpoints that return a list of results use the results object as an envelope. Application adds the status parameter to the response body. [default to false]
pretty bool Flag that indicates whether the response body should be in the prettyprint format. [default to false]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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ApiAppUserView ReturnOneCloudUserUsingItsId(ctx, userId).Envelope(envelope).Pretty(pretty).Execute()

Return One MongoDB Cloud User using Its ID


package main

import (
    openapiclient "./openapi"

func main() {
    userId := "userId_example" // string | Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string that identifies this user.
    envelope := false // bool | Flag that indicates whether Application wraps the response in an `envelope` JSON object. Some API clients cannot access the HTTP response headers or status code. To remediate this, set envelope=true in the query. Endpoints that return a list of results use the results object as an envelope. Application adds the status parameter to the response body. (optional) (default to false)
    pretty := false // bool | Flag that indicates whether the response body should be in the prettyprint format. (optional) (default to false)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.MongoDBCloudUsersApi.ReturnOneCloudUserUsingItsId(context.Background(), userId).Envelope(envelope).Pretty(pretty).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `MongoDBCloudUsersApi.ReturnOneCloudUserUsingItsId``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `ReturnOneCloudUserUsingItsId`: ApiAppUserView
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `MongoDBCloudUsersApi.ReturnOneCloudUserUsingItsId`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
userId string Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string that identifies this user.

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiReturnOneCloudUserUsingItsIdRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes

envelope | bool | Flag that indicates whether Application wraps the response in an `envelope` JSON object. Some API clients cannot access the HTTP response headers or status code. To remediate this, set envelope=true in the query. Endpoints that return a list of results use the results object as an envelope. Application adds the status parameter to the response body. | [default to false] pretty | bool | Flag that indicates whether the response body should be in the prettyprint format. | [default to false]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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ApiAppUserView ReturnOneCloudUserUsingItsUsername(ctx, userName).Envelope(envelope).Pretty(pretty).Execute()

Return One MongoDB Cloud User using Their Username


package main

import (
    openapiclient "./openapi"

func main() {
    userName := "userName_example" // string | Email address that belongs to the MongoDB Cloud user account. You cannot modify this address after creating the user.
    envelope := false // bool | Flag that indicates whether Application wraps the response in an `envelope` JSON object. Some API clients cannot access the HTTP response headers or status code. To remediate this, set envelope=true in the query. Endpoints that return a list of results use the results object as an envelope. Application adds the status parameter to the response body. (optional) (default to false)
    pretty := false // bool | Flag that indicates whether the response body should be in the prettyprint format. (optional) (default to false)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.MongoDBCloudUsersApi.ReturnOneCloudUserUsingItsUsername(context.Background(), userName).Envelope(envelope).Pretty(pretty).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `MongoDBCloudUsersApi.ReturnOneCloudUserUsingItsUsername``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `ReturnOneCloudUserUsingItsUsername`: ApiAppUserView
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `MongoDBCloudUsersApi.ReturnOneCloudUserUsingItsUsername`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
userName string Email address that belongs to the MongoDB Cloud user account. You cannot modify this address after creating the user.

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiReturnOneCloudUserUsingItsUsernameRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes

envelope | bool | Flag that indicates whether Application wraps the response in an `envelope` JSON object. Some API clients cannot access the HTTP response headers or status code. To remediate this, set envelope=true in the query. Endpoints that return a list of results use the results object as an envelope. Application adds the status parameter to the response body. | [default to false] pretty | bool | Flag that indicates whether the response body should be in the prettyprint format. | [default to false]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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