Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Id | Pointer to string | Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string that identifies the migration job. | [optional] [readonly] |
LagTimeSeconds | Pointer to NullableInt64 | Replication lag between the source and destination clusters. Atlas returns this setting only during an active migration, before the cutover phase. | [optional] [readonly] |
MigrationHosts | Pointer to []string | List of hosts running MongoDB Agents. These Agents can transfer your MongoDB data between one source and one target cluster. | [optional] [readonly] |
ReadyForCutover | Pointer to bool | Flag that indicates the migrated cluster can be cut over to MongoDB Atlas. | [optional] [readonly] |
Status | Pointer to string | Progress made in migrating one cluster to MongoDB Atlas. | Status |
func NewLiveMigrationResponseView() *LiveMigrationResponseView
NewLiveMigrationResponseView instantiates a new LiveMigrationResponseView object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewLiveMigrationResponseViewWithDefaults() *LiveMigrationResponseView
NewLiveMigrationResponseViewWithDefaults instantiates a new LiveMigrationResponseView object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (o *LiveMigrationResponseView) GetId() string
GetId returns the Id field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (o *LiveMigrationResponseView) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *LiveMigrationResponseView) SetId(v string)
SetId sets Id field to given value.
func (o *LiveMigrationResponseView) HasId() bool
HasId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *LiveMigrationResponseView) GetLagTimeSeconds() int64
GetLagTimeSeconds returns the LagTimeSeconds field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (o *LiveMigrationResponseView) GetLagTimeSecondsOk() (*int64, bool)
GetLagTimeSecondsOk returns a tuple with the LagTimeSeconds field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *LiveMigrationResponseView) SetLagTimeSeconds(v int64)
SetLagTimeSeconds sets LagTimeSeconds field to given value.
func (o *LiveMigrationResponseView) HasLagTimeSeconds() bool
HasLagTimeSeconds returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *LiveMigrationResponseView) SetLagTimeSecondsNil(b bool)
SetLagTimeSecondsNil sets the value for LagTimeSeconds to be an explicit nil
func (o *LiveMigrationResponseView) UnsetLagTimeSeconds()
UnsetLagTimeSeconds ensures that no value is present for LagTimeSeconds, not even an explicit nil
func (o *LiveMigrationResponseView) GetMigrationHosts() []string
GetMigrationHosts returns the MigrationHosts field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (o *LiveMigrationResponseView) GetMigrationHostsOk() (*[]string, bool)
GetMigrationHostsOk returns a tuple with the MigrationHosts field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *LiveMigrationResponseView) SetMigrationHosts(v []string)
SetMigrationHosts sets MigrationHosts field to given value.
func (o *LiveMigrationResponseView) HasMigrationHosts() bool
HasMigrationHosts returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *LiveMigrationResponseView) GetReadyForCutover() bool
GetReadyForCutover returns the ReadyForCutover field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (o *LiveMigrationResponseView) GetReadyForCutoverOk() (*bool, bool)
GetReadyForCutoverOk returns a tuple with the ReadyForCutover field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *LiveMigrationResponseView) SetReadyForCutover(v bool)
SetReadyForCutover sets ReadyForCutover field to given value.
func (o *LiveMigrationResponseView) HasReadyForCutover() bool
HasReadyForCutover returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *LiveMigrationResponseView) GetStatus() string
GetStatus returns the Status field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (o *LiveMigrationResponseView) GetStatusOk() (*string, bool)
GetStatusOk returns a tuple with the Status field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *LiveMigrationResponseView) SetStatus(v string)
SetStatus sets Status field to given value.
func (o *LiveMigrationResponseView) HasStatus() bool
HasStatus returns a boolean if a field has been set.