Parse environment variables and tweak and serialize them into JSON
- Can select var by a regexp filter (all by default)
- Can transform variable name to upper or lower
- Can remove any matching group of the regexp filter from env var name
serialize-env-json --help serialize-env-json [--filter <regexp>] [--clean] [--upper] [--lower]
--filter <regexp> select env var with a regexp matching env var name (default ".*")
Tweak env var name options
--clean Remove from env var name all the matching regexp group --lower Force env var name to lower --upper Force env var name to upper
JSON result file format
fullname : unmodified env var name name : resulting env var name value : env var value
A docker image exists with serialize-env-json
inside it. There is a version into dockerhub and github container regitry for each tag on this code repository.
docker run -it studioetrange/serialize-env-json:0.0.2 --help
docker run -it --help
serialize-env-json --filter "^P(A)TH" --clean --lower
# build for current platform
# build for specific platforms
make PLATFORM=linux/amd64
make PLATFORM=darwin/amd64
make PLATFORM=windows/amd64
# platform list :
# check code with a linter
make lint
# build for current platform
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . --target bin --output bin/
# build for specific platforms
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . --target bin --output bin/ --platform linux/amd64
make VERSION=latest image-linux
- Project organisation with docker guide :
- Inspired by