All notable changes to the "SpoddyCoiner Google Sheets Addon" project will be documented in this file. Breaking changes between versions will be highligted.
- Improved:
- Build tools + process
- Improved:
- Added new tool "refresh selected cells"
- Added "description_short" attribute
- Fixed:
- Cache time not set to default on first install
- Refresh functions now include cells that have wrapped spoddycoiner functions
- Improved:
- Menu layout, added tools menu
- Added some new tools...
- convert cells to values :)
- refresh all functions
- Cache handling
- Removed user Session usage
- was used to lookup users current locale & set their default currency
- default currency on first install therefore becomes 'USD'
- reduces required permissions, increases user privacy
- Removed RestCountries API currency code lookup (now covered by CMC API)
- Modernised codebase for improved developer workflow
- NPM + Webpack + eslint (airbnb)
- clasp deployment
- rebuild using ES6 classes
- Fixed:
- Bug in RestCountries, breaking install
- Props bug stopping API key error from showing
- Breaking Change:
- "percent_change_" attributes are now prefixed with "price_", eg: "price_percent_change_7d"
- Added:
- tags_top_5 attribute
- Fixed:
- Percent_change attributes now reflect they are about prices
- Dont treat FCAS grade not found as an error
- Make all percent change attributes compatible with Google Sheets percent number format
- Return date_added in native Gooogle Sheets date format
- Make all FCAS attributes empty if coin not ranked
- Added: missing supported attributes + descriptions to the docs
- Added: a changelog
- Fixed: incorrect property key name for display_error_messages
- Added: lots
- Notes: initial release