Releases: SnowEx/uavsar_pytools
Releases · SnowEx/uavsar_pytools
Citation file
Small bug fixes in georeferencing and added citation file.
Slant Range Image Conversion
Can now handle all image types, insar, polsar, ground projected, slant range with the only exception being SLC stacks.
New georeferencing, polsar, and snow related functionality
Added functionality to georeference slant range uavsar images, calculate incidence angles, calculate alpha, entopy, and anisotropy from polsar grd files, added in swe inversion functions.
Thanks to @jacktarricone, @rpalomaki, @Surfix for helping to develop all this functionality.
Merge branch 'main' into main
package for downloading and formatting UAVSAR data
Published on pip. Have most download, convert, and visualizing functionality implemented.